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Fortress at Raveria, Carnelia


"Harry, you been literally sitting there doing absolutely nothing for the past three hours!!!... I! AM! BORED!" Niall's annoying voice buzzed through Harry's ears, making him groan.

Why was Leanna doing this to him? What sort of devious scheme was this the part of?

"Niall, it's been ten minutes." Harry grumbled. "And no one asked you stay here in my dismal company in the first place! In fact, I will be delighted if you would just go away!!!" He curled up a bit on himself. The window seat with the cushions were comfortable. But until Leanna came back, Harry was not letting down his guard.

Ever since the dream like incident in Darius, Harry hated company. Any sort of company. But particularly men. The nurse and Leanna had cleaned him up, and he had stayed in Leanna's chambers for the next few days, until he was well enough to ride again. His own chambers at Darius, he wanted to raze down to the ground. Sadly, that hadn't been possible.

Leanna had explained it to him, that what Karhine had done was a terrible thing. That's why she had killed him and made Harry watch. And that he would understand more when he was older.

But Harry understood enough. If the paralyzing agent wasn't enough, then the place where the blood had come out from did a fine job of convincing him. It was as if his body knew, that something terrible had been done to him. But his mind was simply not registering it. He couldn't even remember half of the things that had happened. It was all so foggy and obscure.

His greatest sadness, however, was the fact that he trusted Karhine, who had deceived him. He had thought Karhine was his father under the influence of the drug. That it was just a dream.

But it wasn't! What sort of a son did that make him? 

A Horrible one.

The screams  of his parents had slowly started to recede. Leanna was responsible for that. 

Ever since returning two months ago, he had never spent a second away from her. He barely entered his own chambers anymore, and followed Leanna around like a lost puppy. They were  back to sleeping in one bed, because Harry didn't ever want sleep alone again. Scared of what the night held for him. He no longer trusted himself and his decisions. He had lost all his confidence.

But he was healing.

His lost appetite was slowly returning. He was a bit wary of what he consumed after the poisoning, but as long as Leanna and uncle Harley were eating with him, he could do it. In many ways, the poison itself was the scariest part of them all. The completely defenseless state it had left him in, unable to move his own body...unable to do anything but feel! Not even being able to open his eyes or yell out in pain.

A shudder went through him.

He was home now. Everything returning to a new normal. His stupid omega training continued but he barely paid attention to it. Instead, he often sneaked out with Leanna and trained with her instead. Even her instructors were pleased with his performance and helped him out whenever needed. Soon enough, he would be able to secretly assassinate the omega instructors with his skills. Now that was something to look forward too!

What happened to Karhine and all the other lords who had supported the terrible idea, he was not aware. Karhine was dead, that he knew. Many of the other lords had also vanished from court while new ones had come in. They were more loyal to Leanna and Harry, so that was a good change. And Leanna wanted to get coronated soon. Maybe in a year or two. But right now...

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