A Fever and a Fear

Start from the beginning

   " I'm sorry I think I called the wrong number. "

   " You were calling your boss weren't you? Mr. Arden? "

   " Yeah, did I call the right number and you picked up the phone because you're in his office? "

   " Yes, exactly. I'm in Allen's office sitting on one of his guest chairs. We were in a meeting when his phone started to ring and before he could silence it I put the phone on speaker and answered it. "

   " But isn't that a little rude? "

   " Not at all. This meeting is about the evaluations I've made so far. And as his superior it's not rude. Now, Allen you can take care of the rest but I need to hear the call. "

   " Why? This doesn't pertain to you-" 

   " It does, so please continue as if I wasn't here. " Jin said, interrupting his boss, Allen.

   " Yes, Bruno? What is it you need? " Allen Arden asked.

   " I was calling in to say that I won't be able to come into work today. "

   " What? Why can you not come into work? Are you sick? You sound fine. . ."

   " Mr. Arden, I'm not sick-"

   " Then you can come into work. "

   " Mr. Arden I'm afraid I'm in a spot that I need to stay home you see my girlfri-my roommate isn't feeling well, and I don't feel comfortable leaving her here. "

   ' I forgot we've only been on one date. I haven't asked her to be my girlfriend yet. ' Bruno thought.

   " Bruno I can't have you sick. Do you realize we are under enough stress as it is? "

   " Yes sir, but I also have some vacation days saved up. I've never left work early, I've always done my job correctly, and I've never asked for a day off. I want to take one of my vacation days so I could stay home and take care of-"

   " Bruno, there will be no more of this! If you're not sick then come into work or be fired! "

   " Woah, Woah there, Allen. What's with so much yelling from you, and yet Bruno is so calm? " Jin said.

   " Bruno, Explain the situation to me instead of Allen. You said that your roommate isn't doing well? I could have sworn earlier you were about to say 'girlfriend' so I'm going to assume you haven't asked her to be yours yet. Explain everything to me." Jin continued.

Bruno sighed and took a deep breath. His cheeks were red, but he put that aside for this call.

   " My loved one isn't feeling well. She woke me up early this morning, shaken up by what I don't know. This morning she was still asleep, and I don't feel comfortable leaving her at the house alone today. I want to be with her to make sure everything is okay and that there's nothing wrong. "

Slowly you stepped into the room awake. You had the pillow still in your hands, but you didn't look good.

   " In fact, she just walked into the kitchen and she doesn't look too well. She's a little sluggish and her face is red. I've never missed a day of work, I've never called out of work, and I've done my job correctly since I was hired. I also have vacation days I've saved up and I know I have the right to use them. I want to use one vacation day for today so I can take care of her. THat's all I'm asking for. "

   " Hmm, I think you're right. I mean from my evaluations you are an excellent worker. Your record is clean and you have never missed a day of work. I think asking for a day off today is perfectly fine, especially if it's to take care of your lover. I wouldn't want to leave my wife, Mary, home alone when she's sick. So, I approve of it. You can take the day off today. "

   " Thank you, Jin. "

   " No, thank you, Bruno. You've just helped me finish up my evaluation on your boss Allen here. Now I know what kind of boss he is. I'll see you in the office tomorrow, take care of your future girlfriend. "

   " Already on it, bye. "

Bruno hung up the phone and set it on the counter. He walked over towards you and placed his hand on your forehead. Your head felt hot, and it reflected in your cheeks, and by how hot your head was, he knew that it was a high fever. Bruno walked to the freezer and pulled out an icepack, and placed it on your head. Your eyes followed him the entire time.

   " I'm staying home to take care of you. So, don't do anything but relax. I don't even know how you got such a fever. "

   " Are you sure? What about work? "

   " I'm taking a day off so I can stay here and watch after you. Don't worry about work. Do you want to stay in here or go lay back in bed? "

   " I want to go back to bed. "

   " Okay, let me carry you back up. You still look dazed. "

Bruno placed his arm behind your back and underneath your knees. He picked you up and started walking to the stairs. The pillow was left behind, and you cuddled into his warmth. Bruno noticed how you left his bedroom door open, and he was grateful. He walked into his room and placed you on the bed. 

   " Stay here while I make breakfast okay? I'll get a fan going so you can cool down. "

You only nodded, and Bruno kissed your forehead before turning the fan on and walking back to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. 

The Land of Dreams Book 2 (Yandere Dream Demon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now