Movie night

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M C C A L L: "Scotty I'm bored!" you exclaimed dragging out the end in the word.
"Me too!" Scott agrees.
"What are we gonna do?" You whine.

"Takeout?" Scott asks.
"Been there eaten that." You replied.

"Movie night?'' asks the werewolf.

"You Scotty boy are a genius!" You exclaim.

"Popcorn, rom-coms, and pillow fort?" Scotty lists.

"I'll handle popcorn and the rom-coms, you make yourself useful and build the fort.....please." You demand.

"Deal!" He answers.

-10 minutes of fort building, popcorn making, and movie's chosen you start your movie night-

"Am I as sexy as Zac Efforn?" asks Scott curiously.

You snort and say "You know your limits babe."
"Okay I see how it is." he says taking the popcorn away from you.
"I'm just kidding babe you're sexier than him." you say telling the truth.
"Mhm sure." he says suspicious.
"Really?" you ask.

S T I L I N S K I: "You know Stuart looks a lot like you babe." you say as you were watching The Internship.

"Do you think I can rock that look?" he asks laying down in the fort you built together.

"If he looks pretty sexy I think you will look sexy." you responded intrigued in the movie."

"Are you sure?'' He asks

"Yes Stilinski I'm sure trust me." You respond.

"Okay then babe, I'll take your word for it." Days after he never follows his words, and stay with the same look. You would love him with any look anyway so it didn't really matter.

D U N B A R: "Oh my god, oh my god, oh ew!" You exclaim petrified. "Ewww are they really taking out his brain." You yelled disgusted by what was going on with the characters.

"Look there pulling his skin off!" Liam exclaims as put your head on his shoulder making sure you can't see a thing. Liam's arm instantly moves to your waist protectively.

"No, nope I can't watch this." You say getting up pushing a button for the disc to come out. You instantly grab it throw it on the floor and stomp on it until it is unfixable. "Now you know why I NEVER buy or watch Saw movies!'' You tell looking at Liam.

"Good to know." He responds looking at you a little scared.

H A L E:

"That is so kick-ass!" You exclaim as the main character knees and punches the other man.

"Hell yeah it is.'' Derek tells you.

"He told her not to go on the trip, but no she didn't listen." You explain.

"Taken is the one of the best movies ever!" Derek tells you getting excited. You and Derek are cuddling on the couch while watching, as you can already tell Taken. "After this is done want to watch the sequal?" Derek asks you looking at you.

"Did you even have to ask?" You tell him in a 'duh' tone.

I'm sorry I know I haven't updated in a long time. But hopefully I'm back. :)

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