Heading to the Sanctuary

Start from the beginning

Julius: Then let me ask you this, what do you think of the Witch of Envy?

There was one reason why the tension in the room skyrocketed.

It wasn't because of the questions itself.

It was because Mamoru lost his smile and stared Julius blankly in the eye.

On instinct Julius's hand started to slowly travel towards his sword.

But then Mamoru answered.

Mamoru: Hate her, honestly she's the worst of the worst. I wish that she never existed.

Everyone in the room was a bit weirded out by how personal his hatred sounded.

But Julius still needed to confirm it.

Crusch: Truth.

The tension in the room suddenly dissappeared, as if it never even existed.

Mamoru had a smug smirk on his face as he turned to once again walk out of the room.

But of course, someone had to interupt him.

Felix: WAIT!!

Mamoru rolled his eyes as he heard Felix scream out his demand, it was honestly starting to get on Mamoru's nerves.

Mamoru: What now? You heard that lie detector over there, didn't you?

Felix: You admitted to Julius that you had the same power as Sloth, so-

Mamoru: I'd say it's better that this kind of power is in my hands than in a Sin Archbishops, wouldn't you agree?

Felix looked like he wanted to say something back to him, but he was having difficulty trying to think of anything to say back to Mamoru.

Mamoru: Anyways, Bye-Bye!

Mamoru walked out of the room in search of his Father, leaving the people still present in the room wondering what even happened.

As Mamoru walked through the halls of Crusch's home in search of his Father, he thought about the question Julius asked him.

Mamoru:...Hmm..Good thing that he didn't ask about Satella...


After a little while of searching, Mamoru had managed to find Subaru sitting in the same room where Rem slept in the previous timeline.

Although this time there was no Rem here that had just been eaten by Gluttony.

Only his Father sat in that room with a cheerful smile on his face.

Mamoru: You know, you should smile like that a bit more, it suits you.

Subaru flinched slightly as before Mamoru arrived, he seemed to be in his own little world.

Subaru: Mamoru...What happened?

Mamoru frowned slightly at the question, but he decided to answer it anyways.

Mamoru: It would seem that Gluttony wasn't the only one responsible for Rem's memory loss.

Subaru: Huh? What do you mean...?

Mamoru: Greed was also responible for this whole ordeal.

Subaru:...So, you lost?

Suddenly Mamoru grabbed his head and looked down with an embarassed blush.

Mamoru: Argh! Don't rub it in! Don't you know how embarassing it is to lose like that when I boasted so much before the fight?!

Subaru looked surprised by Mamoru's outburst, but he quickly started trying to hide his laughter.

At this point Mamoru was as red as a tomato.

Subaru: Sorry sorry...I just didn't expect that reaction...And I guess it's wrong to say that you lost.

Mamoru: Eh?

Subaru: Well, you did manage to save Rem from Gluttony. I saw her a few minutes ago...It's honestly amazing to see her look so alive now.

Mamoru was still red in the face, but he still grew a smug smile on his face.

Mamoru: That's right! So I demand a reward from you, Father!

Subaru was silent for a moment before smiling.

He stood up, confusing Mamoru. He walked up to him as he wrapped him around in a hug.

Mamoru's face became so red that it looked like it was about to explode from embarassment.

Mamoru: Ahm, ehm...Fa-Fa-Fa-ther?! Wh-wh-wh-wha..?

Subaru: Well, the road to get here might have been....Rocky at best, but thanks to you I can see Rem smile again, so thank you.

It was honestly unreal that Mamoru's face could somehow become even redder than it was before.

Subaru let go as he chuckled at Mamoru's embarassment.

Subaru: Anyway, how did the talk with Julius go?

Mamoru then proceeded to tell Subaru in detail how the talk went, including the fact that he spin-kicked Felix into a table.

Mamoru: And that's how it went.




Subaru had karate chopped Mamoru's head along with a heavy sigh.

Mamoru grabbed his head in pain as he had comedic tears in his eyes.

Mamoru: Ouch! What was that for?

Subaru: You can't just spin-kick someone into a table when they annoy you.

Mamoru rolled his eyes as he pouted at the lack of sympathy Subaru was showing for him.

Subaru: Geez...I'm gonna have to apologize to Felix for that one....Also, how did you trick Crusch's Divine Protection?

Mamoru: Huh? What are you talking about?

Subaru: Well, you lied about hating Satella and Crusch's ability didn't detect it.

Mamoru: But I never said that I hated Satella though? I said that I hate the Witch of Envy.

Subaru: Huh? But their-....Oh.

Mamoru:...Uh, could you give me more of a reaction than "Oh"? Maybe something like "Oh, Mamoru you're such a smart kid and you're my favorite son!"

Subaru deadpanned at Mamoru's words as he sighed and got up to leave the room.

Mamoru: Eh? Where are you going?

Subaru: Well, I still need to apologize to Felix since you had the bright idea to kick him into a table mister "smart" son of mine.

Mamoru pouted once again as he crossed his arms and looked away like a tsundure.

Mamoru: Whatever! He deserved it anyways!

Subaru rolled his eyes as he left the room. Leaving Mamoru to ponder what was coming next....

The Sanctuary

About 2000 words.

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