Next Bruno is told to judge. "I have to say that I do not agree with Carrie-Ann. I feel as if you seemed actually pained, which was the intended emotion of the dance and song." He stands up and motion around with his arms. "The one thing I did see was your reluctance to get into the music. You hadn't taken your eyes off of Nicolette the whole time, even when she was facing away. You were paying more attention to her than to the actual dance which made some of your steps late."

"I think you're dance was great, but you're presence was lacking. You focused mainly on getting the steps right than actually letting yourself just flow with the music. The performance was wonderful and there were no wrong steps, but it didn't seem as if you were there. It was like you were copying the steps right out of a book." Len grills. The crowd complains that they're being to hard. He looks around with a distressed look.

Julianne starts her statements when the crowd calms down a little, "Well, I loved it. I thought you were very expressive with how you were feeling. I don't agree with Carrie-Ann about the facial expressions being in the wrong place because your moods did seem to match the right timing. When she turned away, you got sad. When she turned around, you looked happy. When she was walking off and you were reaching for her, you looked depressed. The thing that I do need to point out is your nervousness. It didn't seem as if you wanted to get into the music because you were afraid to mess up. Yes, it is a competition and there are times to be nervous, but right now wasn't one of them. You were able to do the Argentine Tango quite well, and you're also paired with Nicolette. She's known for adjusting to someone else's strengths and weaknesses. You just need to tell her if you absolutely need something changed and she most likely will change it."

I look up at Harry; he's biting his lip and nodding quickly. He looks down to me. I smile a little, trying to smooth out the holes they've just punctured into his ego. I know he felt he did wrong, but he wasn't expecting a grilling as bad as it was.

Tom exclaims how the judges are being too hard and how he loved it before sending us up to the sky deck. Erin is waiting with a large smile on her face. The other couples clap from behind us, sending us apologetic looks. Zayn sniggers at Harry's saddened face and it takes my all to not flip him off. He catches my glare and smirks. I roll my eyes and wrap my arm around Harry's waist.

"Wow. I wasn't expecting such a heartfelt performance. Nicolette, you taught him well." I can tell she's trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah. It was a difficult task, considering how hard-headed he is about, well, everything." Erin smiles wider. I glance over at the screen that displays us and I notice Harry's small smile.

"Harry, did you enjoy your first official grilling?" Erin asks.

Harry scoffs, "I surely wasn't expected. But hey, they're here to help us, right?" Erin and I both nod.

"Alright, let's get your scores." Harry and I both look up to the screen.

"Carrie-Ann Inaba,"


"Len Goodman,"


"Julianne Hough,"


"Bruno Tonioli,"


"Alright with a score of 26 out of 40, these guys really need your votes if they're going to want to make it to next week's live shows." Erin carries on while I hug Harry. He's holding me tightly, burying his face in my shoulder. I rub his back, and look towards the camera. Harry pulls away and looks at the camera too, pointing down to our voting number that appears at the bottom of the screen.

Dancing With The Stars *Narry AU FanFic *Transgender!NiallWhere stories live. Discover now