Chapter 1 ~ Soul Evans

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        "You ready to work, Evans?" My boss inquired. Lord Death, as he was so commonly referred to, stood with his hands in his pockets. His body was pressed against the doorframe of my hotel room. Attired in a black suit and a scarf to cover up most of his face except for his eyes, he stared at me. He was the leader of the most important serial killing organization.

        I laid flat back against my bed. My eyes counted the tiles on the ceiling. I hated that name. Why did I have to remember it? I asked myself. "Work? Please, you haven't even given me information on" My words exited my lips slowly. I still wasn't sure what to call them. "Casualty" was just too insincere. It was as though their lives never even mattered. I hated that term. "Prey" made it sound like I was going to eat them for dinner. I do not eat my targets, despite my nickname. I hesitantly reclined my head towards the door.

        A man walked towards me from behind Lord Death. No. I suppose the term "man" didn't fit him. He looked like a 17 year old. I could be wrong. I'm not the best at telling the age of a person. When I first met Lord Death and his son, I thought his son was 5. He was 8. Well, I suppose the boy was just short and scrawny at that time. The man was clad in a white suit, his tie was red. His hair was blonde and clearly styled to perfection. It must've taken him hours to do that. He stared me down with his gray eyes. "So, you're the famous Soul Eater, eh?"

        I sat up from my awkward position on my bed. "Depends on who's askin'." I crossed my legs and stared at him directly. Suddenly, I felt underdressed in my orange t-shirt and tan pants. When you look at someone sideways, you don't take everything in. The peak in his hair was in the middle. His build was average, most likely not a fighter. If anything, he looks like he was a bit spoiled. And was that make-up?

        "Your new client," Lord Death spoke up. Now his arms were crossed. His glare was on me impatiently. It wasn't particularly my fault. Usually, he meets with the clients and I'm just told about the job. Clearly that wasn't the case today.

        Nevertheless, my eyes widened. But rather than apologizing, I waited for him to tell me this new job that I have received. He did. He put a paper on the space in front of me. Wait. That's not a paper. That's a photograph. A cute blonde girl, most likely my age, was smiling to the camera, blowing a kiss. A green eye was closed, maybe winking? My pale cheeks began to tint pink. I felt like she was blowing a kiss to- "Kill her." My thoughts were interrupted.

        My head snapped back to my client. "Excuse me, Mr..."

        "Watson." He supplied.

        "Mr. Watson," I couldn't help but wonder where his Sherlock was, "I need to know why I am to kill my target and where I can find her." This organization was not just a serial killing group of maniacs. It was an organization of a serial killing group of maniacs who killed those who deserved to die.

        The man sighed in exasperation. I raised my eyebrows. Reluctantly, he proceeded. "This girl is the one who killed my mother." He swallowed hard. Something was off. "She lives in Death City. At a small school. It shouldn't be difficult to find her. She has very distinguishing features." He spoke slowly, choosing his characters carefully.

        "How exactly did she kill your mother?" I asked, unsure. She looked like she couldn't hurt a fly. Much less a person.

        His eyes narrowed. "Does it matter?" He snapped. "Do your job and kill her." The words sounded like a growl out of his mouth. He turned on his precocious heel and began to sashay his way out of the room like a princess.

        "Wait!" I held out a hand to stop him. Although it didn't do any good. I was too far to grab him and hold him in place. He didn't turn around. He stared straight ahead. "I never got her name."

        This time, he craned his neck over his shoulder.

        "Maka." His voice was soft, like he was referring to a loved one.

        "Maka Albarn."


This first chapter is pretty short. Gomene. This is my first AU of Soul Eater. Well, anime in general. (Although I do watch a lot of anime)

Back onto the short topic. I will make these longer. I just wanted to get this one up first. To give you guys a little hint about what's the hell is going on.

This IS SoMa.

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