Tina in the sky with diamonds

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It's prom week. I was sitting on the piano in the choir room with Sam while Blaine played a beautiful melody.

"So how does it work with gay marriage, you take his last name or does he take yours?" Sam asks.

"Or do you ship names? If you do I have a great one." I tell Blaine.

"Right now, I am honestly just excited that Kurt said yes." Blaine says.

"Hey are you excited for prom? I fell asleep last night while Tina was texting me about her prom dress."

"I don't know. I kind of wish I was going with somebody actually care about, not that I don't care about Tina." Sam says.

"I wish I was going to prom period. And I think it was really cool that you guys did that for her." I add.

"Anything for Tina." Blaine smiles.

"Although she is a bit obsessed with being prom queen." I tell them.

"Almost as obsessed is Quinn." Sam says.

"Yeah." Blaine laughs.

"You okay, Samantha?" I ask.

"That name.  Not really. I've been so unlucky in love." Sam tells us.

"I know." Blaine says.

"come on, guys, we're back with the Beatles! We're leaving the map tops behind and moving into their experimental years. Now, the rubber soul album mart a turning point for the group, where they literally and figuratively let their hair down. Now the Beatles were the biggest musical act in the world. They could have remained in their comfort zone but instead, they risk everything to explore new musical worlds. They had something important to say and they weren't going to let something silly as fear of failure get in the way." Mr. Shue explains.

"Good afternoon, McKinley High. This year, problems are being used into one giant brundleprom. Principal Sylvester says over the PA system.

"What's a Brundleprom?" Marley asks.

"I don't get that reference." Jake says.

"That's from the Fly." Ryder adds.

"And now for the moment that will crush 99% of your miss guided views about your own popularity. Here are your nominees for prom king and queen. First, here are your nominees for prom king:
Blaine Anderson, Mohammed Omar, Sam Evans and Artie Abrams."

"And onto queen. Aimee Ryan, Jordan Stern, Kitty Wilde."

"But I'm a sophomore." Kitty mutters.

"Naomi Malcolm"

"Hold the hell up, who the hell nominated me for prom Queen?" I ask.

"And inexplicably, Tina Cohen Chang." Sue finishes.

"Yes! Yes!" Tina jumps out of her chair and cheers.

"Tina. Wow! I'm happy to be going with a potential queen."

"Oh....sorry, Sam. It's was so nice of you to offer to go with me, but I'm honing have to decline your invitation." Tina tells him.

"But you already accepted."

"Yeah, Tina, this is very uncool." Blaine points out.

"Losing is uncool. I need to maximize my odds of taking the crown, so I think I'm gonna go with a group of single gals to corner the ejected wildflower vote. And I'm going for it. This is my chance to be bigger than Jesus so can I count on all your votes?"

"Awkward." Unique says quietly.

"You've got mine. I have more chances at winning. It's Tina's turn." Kitty adds.

"Wait...what about Naya?" Marley asks.

"I'm still trying to figure out who the hell nominated me for prom queen. I ain't even worried about that." I say.

"That's right. Hit it!" Tina yells.

She begins and she sings a the first bit and then the bell rings.

"Sorry Tina."

"See you later T."
After Marley, Jake, Unique, and Ryder performed their song Sue called all the nominees to the stage.

" ••••••••After Marley, Jake, Unique, and Ryder performed their song Sue called all the nominees to the stage

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"Congratulations, new directions, on accomplishing the impossible: you've made me hate the Beatles. Your nominations for prom king: Blaine Anderson, Artie Abrams, Sam Evans and that Radical Cleric Kid. And your nominees for prom queen: Neck brace cheerio, Asian number one, Kitty-I-forget-your-last-Name, Naomi Malcolm, and some other chick."

"And now here's the moment you've all been waiting for because your lives are so devoid meaning something like this seems very important. Your Prom King and queen are...Tina Cohen Chang and Blaine Anderson."

Tina made her way to the front and me and Kitty clapped for her.
I looked over at Bree and she was looking at Dottie and I tapped Kitty to look over at her and Dottie began to pull the rope.

"Tina, get out of the way." I tell her.

"This is my moment, Naya. Stop trying to ruin it." Tina tells me.

"I'm serious, Tina. This for your own good." I say.

"No." She says.

"You leave me no choice." I say and I pushed her out of the way and let the bucket of slushee fall over me.

"What the hell?"

Bree and the crowd starts to laugh and I run off the stage and into the choir room.

The glee club follows me and I sit down and try to get the slushee out of my hair.

"We need to get you you of the clothes and into something dry." Marley says.

"No, it's-it's f-fine. Sorry for pushing you Tina." I shiver.

"It's okay. You were just looking out for me, like you would have done for anyone else." She smiles.

"I'm gonna kill that bitch." I say.

"Naomi , do you want to go back home or stay here?" Mr. Shue asks.

"I do want to stay here so I can kick Bree's ass, but I don't have dress to wear." I mention.

"You can have mine." Kitty says.

"Or mine."

"Or mine."

"Or mine. Although it would be a crime to break this look." Unique adds and I smile.

"Here take my back up dress. I brought it just in case. I owe you for what you did for me." Tian smiles.

"Thanks, T." I smile.

They all helped me get ready again and we walked back out to the prom and Tina Accepted her crown.

We had some much fun that night not knowing the tragic news coming next.

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