“Maybe closer to twenty-five?” his soothing voice seemed to be reluctant. I wanted to take away his reluctance.

“That’s fine. I’ll see you then.” I had to literally hang up the call before I would do or say something that was not appropriate for the strangers.

I had all but rushed out of my office informing my secretary to cancel my meetings. While on my way, I gave a call to Kit.

"Did he call?" He asked. I knew he would want to know.

"Yes. I am going to meet him."
"Lucky asshole." I laughed at his predicament. But I was glad.

"Keeping me updated brother. And don't do anything I would. We need to wait."

He was right. We both were almost on the verge of jumping our baby's bones just with a mere look at his picture.

"I know." My thoughts all filled with anticipation at meeting him.

I reached 10minutes prior to our meeting time. I parked my car around the block so as not to get much unwanted attention. I was riding an Audi R8 that sure pulled some gaze.

After parking I quickly made my way to the cafe. I was eager. I sat inside the cafe that was owned by us. At about 9minutes later I saw him walking to the cafe with his dog. He was dressed in white t shirt and grey loose pants. As he reached outside the cafe, he looked hesitant to leave his dog. That spoke of loyalty and love. I admired our future boyfriend. Yes, now I was dead sure that there could be no one else better than him. I got up from my seat and walked towards him.

“Kongpob Suthiluck?” I let his name glide through my tongue.

He jumped and whirled around. I was standing in front of him. Trying to tone down my desire to take him aginst the wall and kiss the daylights out of him. He was staring at me for a moment and I took that time to observe his clear yet dark eyes that held so much innocence that I wanted to corrupt them yet protect them. His blush filled cheeks were another indication of how sinful he might be looking when flushed with multiple orgasms. Kit would surly love to tease him.

Trying to keep myself in check, I said my name and held out my hand to shake his.

“Arthit Rojnapat,” I felt electricity run through me when he touched me. A pure bliss.
“How did you know it was me?” I was holding his hand for some time and enjoying it when he removed his hand with a slight blush in his cheeks. I smirked.

“You know, if you ever want to get a job you should probably make your Facebook page a little more private,” I replied nonchalantly. He didn't need to know that we had his information

“Or find new friends.”

“I’ll be sure to do it.” 

It was fun to tease him.

“I especially liked the ones from that Christmas party where you-”

“Here!” he very unceremoniously handed me my wallet. I tried not to laugh at his flushed face. He was too cute to resist.

"Thank you."

“It was actually Nugget who found it,” he explained.

“so it might be a bit chewed. I can give you money, to make up the damage.”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” I dismissed it. The only important thing in that wallet was my grandfather's ring. It was a test for Kongpob and he passed.

“It was my grandfather’s,” I informed him.

“Oh. I wasn’t- I mean… It’s a very nice ring.” after looking at his face I knew what he was thinking.

“Extra-marital affairs aren’t really my style.” I said with a firmness in my voice.

“Good. Mine neither. Not that I’m married. Or thought you were. I’m gay and single,” he blurted out.

I liked how he flushed out at his outburst. He was surely one to keep. I couldn't keep my desire down. My breathing got deeper and I was feeling up his scent. He was a walking siren. His lips an invitation. I had to strictly remind myself of the situation.

“Good,” I echoed. I tried to infuse the hidden innuendo.

“I’ll be seeing you around, Kongpob Suthiluck.”  I bent down to scratch under Nugget's chin before turning on my heel and striding away. I had to be bit distant to make sure I don't grab him.

When I turned around the corner, I looked at him, once again admiring his beauty then winked at him. Looking at his shocked face, I let out a laugh.

"Soon baby."

What will they do make kong theirs?
How will kit meet Kong?

I am already feeling butterflies in my stomach 😂

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