Chapter 18

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"A double date?" I asked tilting my head.
"Yeah. Come on it'd be fun. I always wanted to do it." Jeonghan Hyung sighed. "Please say yes."
I shook my head in a clear no. "Hyung. We haven't even been officially dating. And it's only been two week since he agreed. And we haven't even been on a date alone too."
"But you're always texting each other. And doing things couples do." He argued. "Don't break my heart."
I sighed. "I'll have to ask him first."
He nodded hopefully.
I text Jihoon.
H-Jeonghan Hyung wants to have a hangout.
J-What kind?
H-It's me, you, Hyung and his boyfriend.
J-As in double date?
H-Yeah. But no pressure. You can refuse if you want.
There was no reply for a few minutes. And I was sure he'd decline.
J-Sure. When?
"Hyung." I yelled. "When is the freaking date?"
Jeonghan ran all the way upstairs when I yelled. "What? Did he agree?"
"Yeah. So tell me the details before I faint of happiness." I dramatized.
He grinned. "God you're in love." He sighed. "This Saturday. And we can go to a cafe or something."
I texted Jihoon the details. And he sent and okay.
"Today is Wednesday. Two more days and it'd be Saturday." I told Hyung excitedly.
He just gave me a soft smile and left.
This Saturday we'd complete our two weeks and five days. But we also had exams next month as the year would end. Maybe we'd start dating till the year end. Even thinking about it feels unrealistic.
Next year would be our final year of high school. We'd graduate then. Would we have to separate our ways then?
My phone rang, bringing me out of my imagination. It was Jihoon.
"Hello." I tried to sound as normal as I could which was still hyper.
"Come down." He said without beating around the bush.
"I'm downstairs. Come out of your house." I had butterflies when I heard that. If I asked him if he missed me he'd definitely snap my head. So I didn't question his words and wordlessly went out.
Outside the gate, Jihoon stood leaning against the wall beside the gate, making me jump when I opened it.
"Why did you call out suddenly?" I asked with red face. "It wasn't even that long since school finished. Did you mi-
"Here." He pointed at the little flower pot that stood near his leg.
"Are those tulips?" I asked.
He nodded. "Make sure it grows well. Just like you will." He stood on his tiptoes and patted my head.
There were butterflies in my stomach as I stared at him in the eye. He was so cute as well as thoughtful.
I don't know where I found the courage to do this but I pulled him closer as I snaked my hand on his waist. He blinked once before melting in my arms.
"What if somebody see us?" He said not louder than a whisper.
"I don't know." I mumbled in his neck. "And I don't care in this moment."
He sighed as he clutched the back of my shirt. He almost engulfed in me. And he smelt nice too. Like sweat but in a nice way.
My lips pressed on the curve of his neck once and he shuddered.
"Hoshi...I don't think this is the place." He whispered again.
I nodded. "Not the right place. Do you want to come in?"
His face flushed as he fiddled with his fingers nervously. "Don't you think it's a bit early? Like it's not that I don't want to but maybe it's too fast."
I chuckled. "I'm kidding, Lee Jihoon."
He glared at me. His duality was no joke. He could be acting cool until you pulled him in your arms and make him blush and then the next second he'd make a face that declares that you're dead.
"I'll wait for you, Jihoon. I've waited three years and I can probably wait for a lifetime too. As long as we're together and happy." I said truthfully. "I might get too excited sometimes so don't hesitate to put me on line."
He nodded. "I'll get going then."
I didn't want him to go. And it was like he could read me he hesitated before giving me a sudden peck and ran away.
"Wow." I turned to see Jeonghan Hyung with a shocked face. "What did I see?"
"Shut up." I sighed. He won't leave me alone.
"Not this time." He chuckled evilly.
"So tell me how have you progressed kids." He said dramatically putting his invisible spectacles and taking his notepad out.
I picked the flower pot and walked back in. Jeonghan Hyung looked at the flower pot excitedly. "Did he give it to you?"
I nodded.
He squealed. "So romantic. Do you know tulips means love?"
I smiled to myself. He said that he hoped that the plant grows like me. Did he mean that he hoped our relationship grew like this?

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