Chapter 15

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Seungkwan stayed over that night as my parents had to go to a relatives house suddenly. We watched movies, caught up with the past and stayed up late talking and taking advice from Hyung. It was like my childhood again as we three rolled around on the mattress in the living room. We fell asleep somehow in the middle of night and only woke up when someone rang the bell in the morning.
"ARE YOU EVEN ALIVE?!" I quickly got up and ran to the door. Opening it I saw Mingyu banging the door loudly.
"Wth Mingyu." I hissed. "Are you trying to break the my door?!"
"CAN YOU NOT SHOUT!" Seungkwan yelled from inside.
"Who was that?" Mingyu asked shocked.
"Seungkwan." I said letting him in. He walked in and stood frozen as he and Seungkwan made eye contact.
"What is he doing here?" Mingyu asked annoyed.
" it happened recently that we just reconciled." I explained.
"And none of you bothered to tell me anything? Or were you planning to stay together alone?" He asked.
"It's not like that." I said. "We just made up and we were going to tell you."
"When?" He huffed.
"Tomorrow." Seungkwan said thankfully. He had bed hair and looked homeless sitting up.
"I didn't ask you." Mingyu hissed.
"Okay...Are you mad at me or something?" Seungkwan asked.
"I don't think I'll waste my energy by getting mad at people I don't care about." He replied.
"So you're mad." Seungkwan concluded. "It's fine actually. I deserve it anyway. But be ready Kim Mingyu, I'm going to take you back."
"I'd rather have you hide back in your hole."
"Yeah. But you're welcome there too."
"No thanks."
"I missed talking to you, Mingyu."
"Are crazy or something? I don't want you back."
"But I realized how much I need you."
"This conversation is taking a weird turn." I interrupted. "You should talk to each other."
"I don't want to talk to him." Mingyu said. "I don't trust him anymore."
I looked at Seungkwan's crestfallen face. He looked heartbroken. But Mingyu seemed determined too. But it wouldn't last long. But for now he wasn't listening to anyone.
"I'm going home. Seeing how you have company." He said bitterly.
Seungkwan stopped him. "Don't bother. I was about to go anyway."
They both walked to the door and got out as they glared at each other before going back home.
"It's fine, Hoshi." Jeonghan Hyung said sitting up. "They're kids after all. They'll come around."
"I hope so too, Hyung." I sighed. "It's just that I realized something."
"I kept getting angry with everyone for keeping things when I am doing the same." I sighed. "I kept things from them too. But I'm afraid of everything. What if they hate me later? I don't want to be known as disgusting. I don't want to lose friends."
"Hoshi." Hyung stood up before me,putting his hands on my shoulder and giving it a light squeeze. "They shouldn't hate you for something you can't control. And if they do then there is nothing you can do. It'll be sad but at least you'll know that small things can't affect years of friendship. This is you baby. And you liking Jihoon will be a part of your life. They'll have to understand you. It's either take you whole or leave you."
"I don't know Hyung. I don't want Mingyu especially to hate me. I planned on telling him today." I sighed.
"Then tell him. I'm sure he'll understand."
I nodded. "You're right. Mingyu always understands me. He won't-
I gasped." What the hell, Mingyu?! When did you come back?"
He winked. "I keep getting angry-
I put my palm on his mouth to stop him." God alright. I'm sorry okay?"
"Sorry for what?" He mumbled on my hand, pulling me closer by my waist.
I gave him a dirty look. "What are you doing?"
"Now that you're out...we can kiss as you confess your crush on me." He said pouting. "I mean I can be the only man who can bring your gayness out. Right?"
I pushed him back. "Have you lost your mind? I don't like you at all."
They both started laughing aloud. "His expression, bro." Mingyu wheezed.
"You should've seen your face." Hyung said. "It looked like you were betraying your lover."
"I'm sure Jihoon wouldn't mind." He said trying to sound sexy.
"He wouldn't I guess." I sighed. "Wait- how did you know it was Jihoon?"
"Three names were taken. Mina, Hoshi, Jihoon. Mina was near the wending machine when the rumors were flying. So that leaves you two. And then you said you liked a boy and got rejected. So it's Jihoon and you, my boy." He explained.
"I didn't get more than half of it but let's agree." Hyung said clapping. "Mingyu is a genius but stupid at the same time. If you had used this brain of yours properly with Wonwoo then you would have a good looking nerd boyfriend."
I almost chocked on my spit. "What?" I asked shocked. "The only hope I have is from Doekyom now. How did we all end up gay?"
"Nah. Doekyom can't be saved too. And he's in the most trouble." Hyung snickered.
"Hyunggg." Mingyu whined. "Why did you say it like that?"
"Please explain." I said.
"Okay so here's the tea." Hyung started despite Mingyu's protest. "A year and half ago, Mingyu started crushing on Wonwoo. And they were getting close too. But then Mingyu confessed and Wonwoo panicked. So somehow he rejected him badly and because he was scared he started going with a classmate. And it hurt Mingyu. So now they have problems they won't talk about it to each other."
"What about Wonwoo Hyung? Does he even like him back?" I asked.
"He does now. But it was late I guess. When Wonwoo Hyung decided to approach Mingyu after confirming his feelings...Mingyu stupidly kissed a girl in front of Wonwoo. And now it's complicated." He finished.
"'re stupid." I sighed patting his back.
"I know. But that's not entirely true. He rejected me a bit harshly and the way he panicked hurt me a lot. And then going out with someone else felt like a slap to my face. And now when I was moving on he comes back. I was afraid I'll get hurt again and did the only thing I thought was right for me at that time. But it's okay I guess. I have a girlfriend now anyway. And she's cute. And really good for me." He explained.
"But the question is if you like her."
We turned where the voice came from. Seungkwan stood with his hands folded as he stared at the floor, deep in concentration.
"Why would I be going out with somebody I don't like?" Mingyu frowned. "And didn't you leave?"
Seungkwan ignored his last sentence and just walked in casually. "Then why does Wonwoo Sunbae still affect you so much? It's visible how much you both want to be together."
"I don't think that's true." Mingyu shook his head. "I'll admit we have feelings but I don't think I can be with him. That moment made me realize how much impossible love hurts. And how important time is."
How important time is.

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