Chapter 13

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"God this is embarrassing." Dino hissed as he hid himself further into Jeonghan Hyung. "Are they going to be like this from now on?"
"Let them be, Channie." Hyung replied. "It's a reconciliation. They'll be on each other's necks again in a few weeks."
I turned around to glare at them. "I can hear you guys."
"Thank God. Please walk like your age then." Dino said.
"Oh please." Seungkwan scoffed pointing at the pair behind us. "You're literally inside Hyung's uniform right now. And you're embarrassed of us swinging hands?"
"Shush you both." Hyung said. "It's a nice day. Let's live well."
Today morning Seungkwan had kept his promise and waited for me outside my home. There was a unspoken agreement where they didn't mention the falling out directly. It was like old times. All of us bickering again like the last two years weren't a part of our lives. But they were. And every moment was a lesson to never let the precious things go.
We were loud all the way as we reached the gate.
Jeonghan Hyung just went in without a word with Joshua Hyung who gave us a small smile. A boy who I suppose is in Dino's class called him loudly,making him run in the opposite direction.
There were several students waiting for their friends. Some faces were familiar. Admist them the one to catch our eyes first was Hansol Sunbae's confused and maybe a little jealous face.
"Kwonie." I said pulling him closer. Sunbae's fisted his hand as he watched us making Seungkwan roll his eyes.
"He's just teasing you, Hansol." Seungkwan said hitting my shoulder lightly. Sunbae gave me a glare before pulling Seungkwan closer to him.
I chuckled. "I'm Kwon Soonyoung. Seungkwan's best friend and his big brother. I should call you Hyung now, right? Since you're his boyfriend and all."
His eyes widened as he gave Seungkwan an uneasy look. Seungkwan pushed his bangs away from his forehead. He gave a assuring nod. Sunbae was still hesitant but he gave in when he saw Seungkwan's shining eyes.
"I guess you can." He sighed. "I'm Chwe Hansol. But you can call me Vernon."
"Nice to meet you. This should've happened before but since the situation was uncertain I couldn't say anything back then but..." I took a deep breath. "If you make my brother cry or you hurt him, you'll have to face me, Jeonghan Hyung, Doekyom, Jun, Mingyu and a little bit of Channie."
Seungkwan rolled his eyes. "Go now if you're done. I'll see you in class."
I wiggled my eyebrows, making Seungkwan roll his eyes at me again." Sure." I said.
I almost missed my friends as I was walking by in until Doekyom called for me a little too loudly. I wanted to dig a hole and Bury myself when everyone turned to me. The kids were talking, whispering, pointing and even sniggering.
I looked at anywhere but at the three guys before me. Today even Jun who usually doesn't wait for anyone and sleeps in class stood here to wait for me. And it made everything even more weird.
"Guys..." I  still couldn't raise my head. That is until I felt huge hands engulfing me in them. I almost died of breath stopping. And then when I thought he was going to release me Doekyom joined him. And Jun not wanting to be left out hugged us even tighter.
"I was worried yesterday." Mingyu said.
"All of us were. You even ran in the wrong direction without your school bag." Doekyom sighed.
I managed to find a little space to move my mouth. "Are you taking revenge by trying to kill me? Let go, you Oaf." I pushed them all and took all the oxygen I had missed.
"Sorry." Jun mumbled.
I shook my head. "Not your fault."
"Don't do that again, you idiot." Mingyu scolded.
"But you too." I said. "Don't keep things from me."
"I will tell you about it. But not now." Mingyu said.
The day passed in a pleasant way. Seungkwan was still hesitant to approach so we took mini steps. Just smile at each other when our eyes met. It wasn't hard for Doekyom too because he smiled at everyone. Even Seungkwan, even though he never received one back.
It was lunch break and I passed by Jihoon's class. He wasn't in his seat.
"Oh my god." I clutched my chest as the door suddenly opened and Jihoon walked out.
He stared at me with wide eyes. I was honestly embarrassed to death. The whole school was giving me looks. It wouldn't be surprised if Jihoon acted like he didn't know me. I wanted to act like I didn't know me too.
"Are you here to see your girl?" He asked keeping a poker face.
I shook my head. "I...have something to tell you."
He raised an eyebrow as he looked me up and down. "And not your girl?"
"Lee Jihoon." I said annoyed. "Do you like her or something?"
He was quite for a moment. "What if I did?"  He asked making me take a step back. "Are you going to give up on her then?"
"Ji-Jihoon." I called him. "I...Why suddenly?"
"What?" He shrugged.
The worst thing about crushes is that they can crush you in a few minutes, with a few words.
"I can't blame you for that." I mumbled as my voice cracked. "But there is something I wanted to tell you."
"Are you crying?"  He asked. "Do you like her that much?"
I sighed wiping my eyes. "No. But I like you." I confessed. "For the last three years... The moment you stepped into this school in eighth grade, I've been crushing on you. And I don't think it's a crush anymore. You're basically my first love. And I know you might feel different about a boy confessing to you but trust me when I say that I like you. Don't like Mina. It hurts."
If yesterday's spectacle wasn't enough, I had done a very good job in humiliating myself with my face covered in tears and snot while I confessed to a boy.
"Soonyoung..." Jihoon had frozen from the moment I started talking. So when he called me I tried looking at him through my blurry eyes. "Is this a prank?"
I huffed. "Are you kidding me? I just confessed to you with tears in my eyes and the first thought you had was if I was pranking you? You're seriously heartless."
"I'm sorry." Jihoon sighed walking towards me. He removed his handkerchief and wiped my tears. I took it from him before shivering a little at the distance between us. If I kneeled down I could kiss him. But I knew the consequences. He might look like a marshmallow but if provoked he'd burn your tongue.
"Did I get rejected?"I asked.
"I'm sorry, Soonyoung." He sighed. "I hope you forget about me and move on. I'm not the type of person you should be with. You're a good person. I'm sorry."
"It's alright." I said wiping my nose. "I wasn't expecting you to accept me anyway. I just didn't want to regret not confessing."

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