Twenty Two: Only for you

Start from the beginning

As she sat down in her desk, she turned to question him, "Nino, why do you look so cheerful? Everybody's over here complaining about not being able to sleep," Marinette said, setting her bag down.

"Well that's because my boyfriend here slept through the whole thing!" Alya said, incredulously.

"I sure did, couldn't hear a thing," Nino said, grinning. 

Marinette blinked, "Wow, you're lucky you're a heavy sleeper," she groaned, placing her head onto her desk. "And you're lucky you have that much determination for the Ladyblog to even film that!" She gestured to Alya.

"Well that's the perks of being a reporter," Alya winked as Marinette sighed.

She repeatedly lightly slammed her head on her desk until she heard someone clear their throat, she looked up to be met with her friendly blond-haired friend who was smiling at her in amusement.

"Well everyone seems to be perceiving this morning's events differently," Adrien said, looking around, his eyes finally landed on his three friends; Nino who was jamming to music, Alya typing away on her phone tired yet motivated, and Marinette repeatedly slamming her head on her desk.

It was a quite a sight, but that was how teenagers tended to act with the lack of sleep or too much sleep.

"Marinette, you'll hurt your head if you keep doing that, be careful," Adrien said, patting her head from his seat.

The action didn't go unnoticed by Nino, who sent a smirk in his direction that Adrien ignored. 

Marinette, a little surprised by the action gave him a nervous smile, "Nah I'll be okay, this is pretty normal to me," she said with a little yawn. Who could blame her? She was Ladybug after all.

Adrien just sighed and shook his head, a small smile still present on his features, he loved the girl in front of him too much so he couldn't control himself from being worried at times. Regardless, he didn't say anything and turned around in his seat, absentmindedly doodling on his notebook while he waited for class to start.

Ms. Bustier walked in five minutes later, with a tired expression resting on her face, "Good morning class, I hope you all had a good sleep last night, because I sure didn't," she muttered the last part.

The class groaned and snickered in agreement, not wanting to say anything being too tired and scared of getting in trouble.

"That akuma ruined my sleep! Just look at the bags under my eyes!" Chloe shrieked as Sabrina attempted to comfort her, and the others groaned.

"It sure did Chloe," Ms. Bustier replied. "Now, could you all please turn to page 363 in your textbook so we can finish our final chapter on world history," Ms. Bustier said, writing on her chalkboard.

The class groaned as they shuffled around to pull out their textbooks, too tired to be learning about something such as history this early.

Once everyone had pulled out their textbooks and turned to the correct page, Ms. Bustier began reading the chapter out loud to the class. Nobody had commented on the reading at all, and tried their best to listen to their teacher teaching them.

Marinette's eyes fluttered shut and she felt herself doze off, someone nudged her side and her eyes abruptly shot open and she looked to her left to see Alya smirking at her. Marinette rolled her eyes, cursing under her breath while trying to listen to what Ms. Bustier was talking about.

"What was that Marinette?" Ms. Bustier asked her as her cheeks abruptly turned red in embarrassment. Her teacher didn't look upset though, only curious and slightly amused at the dark-haired girl.

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