¤Chapter 37¤

Magsimula sa umpisa

I strip out of my current clothes and pull on the jumpsuit then unravel my ponytail so my hair flows free. Next, I reach into my drawer and grab my lucky dagger. The handle is gold with gaping snakes that wrap around it, ready to strike.

 Another dagger is slipped into the other holster on my hip. If Todd is holding Owen hostage he'll probably have me remove these but that's where the secret blade in my boot come in. If that doesn't work I'll have to use my fists. After all, the gear is just a distraction. A true fighter doesn't need to rely on tools to win a battle, with sufficient training, skill and courage is enough.

I stare at my reflection in the tall mirror and decisive eyes stare back at me. I will get him back. I will get them both back —although Jace should need less help once I free him. The silver zipper in the middle of my suit glistens as I fiddle with the secret compartments hidden beneath. On the outside, this thing looks light but for clothes, it's pretty heavy. The longer I wear it, the more pressure I feel in my joints. 

Nonetheless the fabric clings to me like a second skin, outlining the natural shape of my body. If I didn't look so intimidating I'm sure it would attract creeps like a magnet. Because I received this when my skills were at it's highest, I'm more connected to my broken self when I wear it. I'm reminded of my reasons for transforming in the first place —to be strong and hit Todd where it hurts. If that doesn't work, I'll just hit him so he can't produce an offspring. 

"Wow Madi," Mom beams when I arrive downstairs. "You look great"

"I feel like a spy or something wearing this but I like it," I adjust the long sleeves at my wrist. "I'm more in tuned with myself this way"

Dad cleared his throat. "I know you want to rush out there and destroy anyone who gets in your way but why don't you tell us what happened in detail first?"

I glance at the clock. "There's no time. What if—" I stop to contain myself. Up until now I've successfully shut down my emotions so I can think and act logically. I can't break down now, not when I don't know anything. What ifs are dangerous. I have to not think about what could be happening so I can focus on saving them. It's the only way.

"Good job maintaining your self-control," Dad notes as he approaches me. His eyes gleam with pride and authority. "Now think about me and your mom —what we do for a living. We can help. Talk to us."

My eyes widen. A well known doctor and a skilled bodyguard. Considering the fact that the town sheriff hasn't seen any real action in almost a decade, these two might be the best backup I have. I take a deep breath and explain what happened at the bonfire, making sure to keep my voice restrained and unexpressive. They listen silently only interrupting for specific details until I finish.

Mom shakes her head. "You're too young to be experiencing this, sweetie"

It isn't pity but I'm irritated anyway. "That's not helpful."

"She's right. Liz?" Dad glances at mom who nods in agreement to whatever telepathic conversation they just had. He walks towards the inconspicuous bookshelf and pulls one of the oldest looking books in the middle row. A hissing sound like steam being released from a pot erupts and the shelf slides open, revealing metal elevator doors.

My jaw drops.

"No time to explain," Dad says when he takes note of my expression. "Get in."

My feet refuses to move so mom grabs my hand and pulls me in next to dad. He places his hand over a palm reader and the machine scans it before it begins going down. We have an underground compartment in our house?! I can feel the air pressure change as we travel further beneath the surface and Jace's warning comes back to me. Did he know all along?

Truth or Dare? [REWRITTEN]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon