4 the accident 🚑

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Annabeth POV

Today was the day Isabella would come to live with us as well. Luckily, I wouldn't have to share my room. Not that I wouldn't mind sharing it, but being in the same room as her was always awkward and also really difficult. She sometimes had these strange episodes.

"You sure you want to come?"

"Of course. I can make the salad when we come back. It's quick."



We had been standing for quite some time and I was getting quite sore. I was sure I would also fall asleep if dad hadn't suddenly yelled out.


I saw said person coming towards us slowly, one suitcase in her right hand, a small cactus in her left hand and a backpack.

"Hi", she said awkwardly.

"How was your flight?"


There was an uncomfortable silence, which I decided to break.

"Okay. To the car?"


I munched on some nuts, occasionally glancing up at the two. Isabella had called shotgun, so she was sitting next to dad. Though they weren't talking. I could see dad's uncomfortable expression through the mirror.

"Your hair is longer."

"I cut it since the last time I saw you."

"Must have grown out again."

There was another tense silence. I sighed. This was exhausting. I pulled some note cards out of my pocket and looked through them.

"Working on your assignment again?"

"Yeah. Though it's not due until the week after the next week."

"You've always been a hard-working bee."

"Wonder, where I got that from", I said teasingly to which he laughed.

Isabella cleared her throat. Another awkward silence hung over the air.


Dad had helped Isabella carry her luggage inside while I continued making food.
A honk cut through the air. Dad went outside and greeted the people. I couldn't see yet who it was.

"Girls!" dad yelled for us.

I put the sponge away and followed outside. I saw Jacob and his dad next to a big orange truck. A strange looking one at that.

"Hey, Jake. Billy."

"Look at you Annabeth. All grown up."

"Yeah, pretty much", I said as I gave myself a quick once over.

"Charlie praised your heavenly salad so much that we had to come try for ourselves. Hope you don't mind", Billy said with a wink.

"Of course not. There's a saying; the more the merrier."

"That's right."

I heard footsteps approaching from behind us. I knew it was Isabella, by the way Jake's eyes lit up.

"Hey, Bella."


I let the two talk. I knew of his crush on her. He liked her since we were little. I thought it was cute, if only it wouldn't be one sided.

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