But Louis swore to Gods it scared the hell out of him!


Rannegon was clearly unaware that he was, in fact, addressing he father of the said child. The world became a blur. Color lots it meaning, the startled sound of an entire army lost its amplitude. Time lost its pace. The only thing that mattered was Harry. Their eyes connected for the tiniest of second.

Blue met green.

And Louis got his answer.

He let loose the arrow.

With moves as fast a lightening, Harry twisted slightly, digging out a jagged-edged stone from thin air. He plunged it sharply into Rannegon's wrist, making the dagger fall from his hand. While with his other hand, he pushed out with all his force, loosening Rannegon's grip over his neck and sliding off the horse's back. Zayn rushed forward, catching Harry before he could fall to the ground. Just in time for Louis's arrow to find its mark.

The arrow pierced into the devil's throat, missing Harry by fractions of an inch. Shock and pain were stamped on Rannegon's face, as he died, even before registering what had happened. A death far too quick and simple for him. Eventually, gravity took hold him and smacked him to the ground.

For a moment, only the hollow wind whispered through the muddy wetland as the land itself seemed to sigh out in relief. A great burden being lifted of its surface.

Then as one, thunder roared up through the ranks of warriors, marking the end of a centuries long tyranny. They were finally victorious! All nine kingdom had come together for the first time in history and they trusted each other, fought beside each other and spilled blood and died with each other, for the greater good.

Just like Harry had asked.

Louis all but thrust the bow into Liam's arms as he disembarked and raced off towards the omegas. He was vaguely aware of some of the others also rushing forward, but he simply didn't care. He needed to be with Harry. Needed to make sure that he was okay.

Harry was shaking badly in Zayn's arm. His skin had a bluish tint to it and his right side was drenched in blood. Louis' heart was in his throat as he gently took the boy in his arms by the uninjured side, muttering words of encouragement to him. They were still in danger for losing the baby. And all that blood was not looking promising.

"I love you Harry." Louis planted a sweet kiss to the ice-cold lips, tramping down on his fears. "It'll all be all right soon, my love." He whispered to his skin.

Tears filled his eyes when he saw Harry pull up his free hand placed it protectively over his stomach. Louis also raised his hands, inter lacing his fingers with Harry's as he pressed a kiss to their joint hands. Harry looked up at him with tired eyes.

"I love you Lou." He whispered back before closing his eyes. The boy passing out from pure exhaustion. 

"His shirt." Zayn instructed quietly. Louis nodded. With nimble fingers he parted the blood soaked fabric to inspect the damage. His heart boiled at spotting the knife wound. It wasn't deep but it wasn't a scrape either. But the more worrying lesion was the deep gash near his right hip. That, and the plunging body temperature.

Zayn quickly removed his cloak and draped it over Harry, in attempts to keep Harry warm. He himself looked as white as a ghost. Completely shell shocked. A rare occurrence by itself. 

"We rode hard for almost an hour through pouring rain!" Louis heard him say with a shaky voice. "It's so risky in his condition. And with those wounds..."  Zayn shook his head. He too was injured, but Harry's condition was far more severe and needed immediate attention, lest they lost the child.

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