Chapter 51- Girlfriend

Start from the beginning

Meanwhile, Jerry had been on the search for Kweiba since the ball and he finally found her sitting on one of the benches. Being a full blown dork, he didn't know exactly how to impress a girl so he just went straight ahead and sat next to her.

" Are you alright?" He asked which kind of surprised Kweiba since most guys would go like Where have you been at? I've been searching for you all over?!

She realized he was just a nice guy, so as she watched him take off his glasses and wipe them with his handkerchief, she couldn't help but tell him the truth.

" Jerry, I don't really like you in the way you'd like me to." She sighed and he pushed his glasses back on and turned to look at her.

" I can understand that." He replies monotonously referring to himself.

" No, no, it's not you.'s just me." She tries to explain, " I can't seem to reciprocate romantic feelings for anyone and I'm sorry for giving you the wrong impression but you're a very nice guy Jeremiah and any girl will be fortunate to end up with a guy like you."

" I kind of wanted to be led on by you." He admits before smiling, " We need to finish tonight though, you still owe me a dance. I don't even know why I am saying that when I obviously don't know how to dance."

" Don't worry, I've got this. If you haven't heard, I am the least to feel embarrassed about anything amongst my friends so fear not. Every dance is a dance. Hear that?" She asks as the song changes to Herman Suede's One by One and he giggles, " Follow my lead."

He was a better dancer than she thought or a good copycat since he watched the couples around them and imitated the guys. Kweiba couldn't help but laugh at him sometimes.

" Hey, let's go get sodas from the vending machines in the lobby." He suggests noticing she didn't want to get anywhere near the bar.

" Alright, after that we join everyone on the lawn for the concert, my friend is performing."

"Let's do that." He agrees as they walk towards the building hand in hand.

Now that the lawn was finally packed with cheering teenagers, the show finally commences with Marvin, the SRC president as MC.

" Marvin in the house!!!!" He calls out as everyone applauded and some of the guys hailed out loud,
" Exxxxxtraaaaaa!!!"

" How are you loving this year's Ink It??!!" People hollered back at him.

" I know, we just got started mates. We have a packed night and as you already know, Nelson offers the best so we got three amazing artistes to perform at the end of the show. Guess who we have here??"

Multiple of names were called by the audience.

" When I say Oh lord have Mercy... Aaaaaaaaah!!!" People shrieked even before he could mention the artiste's name. He continued with the next,
" How about when you hear ....What Else?!!"

The cheers echoed around the place,
" And finally, Paah, Paah, Paaaaaah!!!" The noise was deafening this time.

Ciarra turned to Fede, " Shatta Wale is coming?"

" You're in the SM family?" Fede asks  and recalls that she is, " Oh yes, yes . The magazine interview."

" Of course, SM for life!" Ciarra adds,
" I know it's strange but I lik that dude is a crazy talented entertainer."

" I know right."

Marvin continues.

" Now that's what I'm talking about and honestly I'm in love with this audience, guys give it up for yourselves!"

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