Part Two; Reborn

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This is a book composed of little one shots that pop into my mind. These may or may not become anything more than what they are now. I hope you are enjoying these as much as I am in writing them. Thank you!

Part Two; Together

Bella's POV

The feeling of being high made me forget what my job was. What I had been forced to do since I was taken from Edward.

Just thinking his name now made me pissed. When we said our vows his were that he would always look after and protect me. I guess those were just words now, in this world of mine they didn't mean shit!

You had to be tough and not take what people are trying to give you. The man who took me stuck a needle in my veins every night so I wouldn't be able to run. Even though I wanted to run I knew they would catch me and kill me, making me an example for the rest of the women. Plus I was addicted.

If I ran then where would I find heroin? Quitting cold turkey would hurt but maybe I could do it.

"Hey sweetheart, want a ride?" The sound of a mans voice broke me out of my daydream. He was leaning across his dirty front seat which was overflowing with food wrappers. His hair was greasy, teeth yellowing, and he was shaking which meant he was hopped up on something. I knew what that shaking felt like. He was coming down from his high and it hurt.

"My rides are expensive." I responded, hating myself.

"How much for a little motion?" I was totally disgusted when he wiped his dripping nose with his hand.

The last time I refused a costumer my pimp cut his initials into my side with a box cutter. The beating after seemed mandatory.

Now I stood on this dark street wearing as little clothing as possible to attract these types of men.

"Nothing lower than a five." Five meant fifty dollars.

"Do you provide?" He was asking about condoms and when I nodded his smile grew. What a sleaze.

I opened the door, shoved everything to the floor, and got in. He drove us around the corner into an even darker alley. When he started reaching for me I stopped him. "Money first."

He rolled his eyes but I had to learn this the hard way. Once you give them what they want then they think they can get out of paying by knocking me out and dumping somewhere else. I still have the scars from when a guy pulled a knife out. My muscle mass has deteriorated rapidly and I couldn't get away in time.

My pimps men, the ones who watch us, noticed that I hadn't come back in a timely manner and went looking for me. When they found me bloodied they went after the guy.

News the next morning showed that the guy had taken a header off a bridge and was found washed up on the bank.

I shivered again. My high was fading I noticed as I shivered again but this time without actually wanting too.

The man handed me the money and he moved his seat back while unzipping his jeans.

When he dropped me off I made my way to the boys in their car and handed off the money. We weren't allowed to keep it and was payed at the end of the month. It was meager amount but it was still something.

Going back to my spot I started all over again.


I had just been dropped off again when the vampire came out of no where.

"Hello." His voice was what made me turn around. It reminded me of his voice so much that my heart started beating faster. When I turned I had a moment of disappointment but then acceptance.

This life was over! I wouldn't have to suffer anymore.

Trying to play it cool I approached the vampire and smiled at him. "Hey there. What can I do for you?"

"Come over here and I'll tell you." He was standing in the shadows of an open alley.

Determination made me step forward instead of away.

Once I was in front of him memories hit me hard just from his scent. Edward smelled of honey and sunlight. This vampire smelled like fresh rain.

Deciding that I was going to die anyway I spoke up. "Will you change me?"

His expression turned surprised and suspicious. "How do you know what I am?"

How was I suppose to answer that? "I just do. Will you please try to change me? I was kidnapped two years ago and forced to get down on my knees every night. I want my revenge." I didn't realize just how much I wanted this to happen.

Edward was planning on changing me after our honeymoon but obviously that didn't work out.

He was still looking at me with his red eyes, reminding me that he was a human blood drinker, so I gave him my best pleading stare.

"I don't know if I can stop. And there are rules you have to follow if you do turn." He warned me. I already knew the rules but pretended I didn't so he wouldn't be even more suspicious.

"If you can't stop then don't. I just want out."

"Well then let's get away from here and some place where they won't hear your screams." I swallowed my fear as he grabbed me.

Running at vampire speed always freaked me out and left me breathless but this time was different. I wasn't sure where we were when he stopped but it was quiet and very dark.

I didn't hear him move but suddenly he was behind me, moving my hair aside. Going against my instincts I tilted my head, exposing my neck to him.

"Thank you." I said before he struck.

The same fire that I felt all those years ago when James bit me flooded my system and I whimpered in pain. I think the heroin in my system wasn't allowing me to feel everything and I was grateful until it was completely gone.

I screamed and begged to be killed for three days. How could I want this?!

My eyes opened to find rainbows everywhere. Trying to find the source I gasped when I understood that they were from me. Movement from my side alerted me that there was someone else with me. Without thought I hissed and moved away, instincts going all out.

He held his hands up in surrender.

"Not gonna hurt you!"

Testing the air I straightened up.

"I never got your name." Was that my voice?! It sounded like wind chimes.



Moving cautiously we shook then he said something that had my throat burning.

"Let's hunt."


Let me know how you like it! There's going to be another part so don't worry! VCF!

Yours S.A

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