Chapter 22

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Jennie: I've got you now Lisa and you're not going anywhere.

I stare down at the handcuffs around my wrist and Jennies which was locking us together. Jennie was smiling. I sigh a little because I needed to be on track.

Lisa: I was kind of in the middle of something.

Jennie chuckled

Jennie: not anymore, there is no way out of this one Lisa.

With a tug of her wrist Jennie pulled us both into a side room and shut the door behind us. It was a really fancy bedroom. I kind of liked where this was going.

Lisa: so you have me where you want me. Now what are you going to do with me?

Jennie scans my features as I did the same to her.

Jennie: that's on you and if you cooperate.

I chuckled

Lisa: when have I ever cooperated.

Jennie rolled her eyes but she rolled them playfully. She was really cute.

Jennie: exactly... I'd almost be disappointed if you did.

We were really close because of the handcuffs which joined us. I see Jennie blush as her eyes met mine.

Lisa: surely by now your opinion on me has changed.

Jennie sighs

Jennie: it pains me to admit, but you've had so many opportunities to reinforce every assumption I've had about thieves,  but you've been nothing but kind to me.

Yes I changed her mind, I thought as a smile appeared on Jennies lips.

Jennie: you're different Lisa, you're not what I expected at all.

I smile at her.

Lisa: I guess your going to let me go then?

Jennie smile turned into a sexy smirk.

Jennie: oh not so easily Lisa, I want to enjoy this.

Her handcuffed hand brushed against mine and she bites her lower lip as her captivating eyes stared into my soul.

Jennie: we both knew that it was only a matter of time before I caught you.... and you're mine now Lisa.

I nod, did she just claim me?

Lisa: you're forgetting one thing...

Jennie raises her eyebrow at me

Jennie: really? What?

She looked at me with confusion

Lisa: I'm not going to make it easy either.

I smirk as I tugged on the handcuffs which pulled Jennie closer to me, as we stared in each other's eyes.

Lisa: this is what you wanted huh princess, you caught the thief, i'm yours

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