Chapter 6

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Me and Rosé are still in the computer room discussing who Kai has hired to design the security system for the president daughters wedding.

Rosé: I wish this could be a walk in the park but in reality know one has gotten past Kang Daniels system before, it's like hard core.

I was about to say something but we here the door open and close.

Bambam: who is Kang Daniel?

Bambam says with confusion written on his face.

Jisoo: Kang Daniel owner of Kang security and one of the most powerful business men in the world.

Jisoo currently states and Bambam frowns

Bambam: we have to break through one of his security systems

I nodded at them.

We all nod

Bambam: ok this is the part where you guys say his system sucks and we can totally crush this shit and everything is going to go as planned.

Bambam looks at all of us and we sigh

Rosé: nobody has managed to break into one of his vaults in like ever. It's impossible.

Jisoo and Bambam face drops. I scratch the back of my neck because of nerves.

Lisa: hey! Let's take this as a challenge

Rosé, Bambam and Jisoo looked at me with confusion

Jisoo: a challenge

Jisoo questioned

Lisa: Kai is just scared. He hired Daniel because he knows if he hired just a nobody it would be a walk in a park for us to break in and steal what we please.

They nod at me not frowning anymore

Lisa: I say we go and give him a reason to be scared.

They all nod

Bambam: so what's the plan?

I think for a moment

Lisa: Rosé is there any way you can locate Daniels private server? Can you hack into it?

Rosé types something on the keyboards

Rosé: I have located one but it will take me some time to hack into it

I nodded

Lisa: how much time do you need

Rosé sighs

Rosé: more than we have

This sounds bad I nodded this is going to be hard.

Lisa: this is got to be a group effort so I'm going to gather everyone up in the morning, this is more difficult than I anticipated.

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