Chapter 5

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Later that night, when we got back to base....

Bambam: wow this place looks so cool.

Bambam slumps on the couch

Rosé: welcome to your new home for the mean time.

Rosé says while slumping next to Bambam.

Jisoo: yeah I mean when we all get rich in a couple of months or so and we'll have mansions in different places around the world.

Bambam hold up his hand for Jisoo to give him a high five in which she did.

Rosé: wait Lisa the jewellery is 800 million right...

I nodded, what's her point.

Rosé: there's going to be 7 of us on the mission, who gets the extra 100 million?

Maybe I calculated the money a little wrong.

Lisa: we'll split it up between us

They all nod

Bambam: that seems fair

Well that problems out of the way

Lisa: ok guys tomorrow we'll talk about the rolls we'll be playing in the heist and what we need to do.

Jisoo Rosé and Bambam nod at me.

Bambam: lets run through everything tomorrow because I need to sleep on a real bed tonight, the ones in prison were like sleeping on a concrete floor.

I chuckled

Lisa: I'm so happy you're finally free

I hugged Bambam for the last time before Everyone said there good nights and went to bed.

I was just laying in bed thinking about the enemy... not just any enemy but Jennie, why can't I get her out of my head. I had this heist to concentrate on and this one women might be a risk.

She changed the game because she could be a distraction or I can make her fall for me and take her away from that asshole Kai.

However she would never do that, she has beliefs and she hates people like me, thieves, con artist, criminals. I hope I can change her mind and make her believe not every thief is like those her family tragically encountered.

I hope she can forgive me because when I looked into her eyes I could just tell she was hurt. But why?

However I did think she was opening up to me just a little. The way her cute gummy smile flashed at me makes me go into a dream land.

I shake my head while I was just laying in my bed thinking about The Head officer. That cat eyes beauty....

Come on Lisa focus, stop thinking about her. Your here for revenge on Kai not some love that doesn't exist.

Just get some sleep.


Heist of our lives حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن