Chapter 12

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I stare at Kai for a moment, I was frozen and shocked, I guess my cover was blown at some point and he figured out. Maybe when I was to busy staring at Jennies beautiful brown cat like eyes.

I slowly take off my mask placing it on the table next to me, I tapped my earpiece repeatedly to try and get signal.

Kai: don't try and call for help Lisa it won't work, we're too far underground for that thing to work.

He smirked at me.

Kai: just how I wanted it to be.

I nod

Lisa: so you know it's me... does that mean drinks are off?

I joked a little and Kai didn't find it amusing, he just scoffs and rolls his eyes.

Kai: classic Lisa, very funny, you always resorted to humour when you are at a disadvantage.

I was annoyed why did he even bring me down here.

Lisa: I'm not going to tell you what I'm up to, if that's what you brought me down here for.

Kai chuckled

Kai: well I don't know what you are planning and you don't know what I'm planning either, that's fair right.

Kai shrugs his shoulders

Lisa: lets cut all of this chit chat ok, what did you really want from me?

Kai chuckled

Kai: I'm sure your crew will be looking for you, so I'll cut to the chase shall I...

I rolled my eyes as Kai takes his time.

Lisa: ok what's your game here, Kai? What's the reason why I'm stuck here with you?

Kai smugly smirks.

Kai: there's something you should know, one honest con to another,

Now I'm the one to scoff, he's not honest, not even to save his life.

Lisa: you and honest? Now that's a funny joke?

I laugh sarcastically

Kai: I'm only doing you a favour Lisa, you should be grateful about what I'm going to share with you.

I rolled my eyes.

Lisa: I haven't got all day here Kai..

Kai chuckled, he just loved getting on my nerves.

Kai: you're caught up on how I'm the one who betrayed you, but have you ever wondered if anyone else in your team have me a hand on backstabbing you?

I was getting confused, no way!

Lisa: I trust Jisoo Rosé and Bambam with my life.

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