Just Friends

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Dixie's Pov:

"Yes Noah! Just like that!" I screamed as Noah continuously pounded into me.

"Fuck baby. You're so tight." Noah rasped in my ear.

As our hips continued to connect aggressively, I could feel myself getting closer to my release. This was our fifth round at least. We had done it in every room in his house and we just couldn't get enough of each other.

"Come on baby." He said as his fingers came down to rub my clit.

My thighs were trying to close from the overstimulation but Noah was in between them, stopping me from moving. He did a few deep, slow thrusts, making my legs shake uncontrollably.

Eventually, my orgasm was rushing through my body forcing my back to arch into Noah's chest. My hands were scratching against his back and leaving red marks all over. Noah released into me, filling me up completely.

After calming down, Noah pulled out of me and flopped down on the bed next to me. Soon after, he stood up and pulled his sweatpants back on before helping me into my own clothes.

"I really need to get home." I told him as I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to smooth it down.

"I thought we were going to get dinner." Noah said, looking at me with a slight pout.

"Yeah but I've been gone all day. Rain check?" I asked him as I gathered my things from the couch.

"I guess." He said as he pulled a beer from out of the fridge and twisted the cap off.

"Don't be too sad, this just gives me an excuse to come back and have some more fun." I said as I went over to give him a hug goodbye.

"You're right." He said, putting a smile on his face instead.

I nodded as he kissed my cheek and let his arm fall from my waist.

I waved at him as I closed the door behind me and skipped off to my car. When I got in, I connected the bluetooth and played one of my many playlists. The drive from Noah's to my house was only 20 minutes if you went through the back roads so I wasn't too worried about traffic.

When I arrived home, I got out and continued to hum the song that was playing as I walked inside. It was already 5:30 so I decided to start on dinner. There weren't any lights on so I didn't expect anyone to be home until there was a voice behind me.

"Dixie what the hell? Where have you been all day?" Griffin asked angrily.

"Grif calm down, I was just hanging out with some friends." I told him as I set my stuff down on the counter and turned around to preheat the oven.

"Yeah just some friends or were you with Noah again."

"I mean yeah Noah was there but he wasn't the only person." I said, turning around so he couldn't see my flushing face.

"Dixie I know you were with him. Cut the act." He said, coming around the island so he could face me.

"Griffin calm down. How do you even know I was? Stop making assumptions." I said annoyedly.

"I always know when you're with him." He said lowly.

"Oh really how?" I asked, turning to him and getting angry.

"You think I didn't notice that your hips have gotten wider or how happy you are every time you come home! You always have a big smile on your face that you only have after you have sex!" He shouted at me, throwing his arms in the air.

"What do you mean my hips have gotten wider? What does that have to do with me hanging out with Noah? That is literally just aging. I'm almost 30 years old my hips are going to get wider and why can I not be happy?" I shouted back at him.

"You smell like him too! Don't forget the year that we lived with each other I kinda know what cologne he uses. And you're walking funny." He said, his voice breaking on the last syllable.

I was left speechless after that. I guess I didn't cover my tracks well enough but it's not like I should care.

"Dixie just be honest with me! I know you're cheating on me with him!" He said as tears started to well in his eyes.

"Oh stop with the dramatics! I know you weren't crying on the night before our wedding when you had your dick in your fucking assistant!" I shouted, pausing to wait for a reaction. When one never came, I continued telling him all the times he's cheated on me that he thought I didn't know about.

"Or that time when you left me alone on our anniversary cause you had a tinder hook up! Ever wonder why I stopped talking to Addison? Well it's because I knew about you having sex with her on my own fucking birthday! I've found different girls panties in our bed or in the couch cushions! Hell there were even some laying on top of your desk right where I could see them! It's almost like you wanted me to find out!." I screamed, now full on crying. Griffin was just standing there in shock.

"Baby I-" He started but I cut him off.

"No don't Baby me. I have found one person in my life besides my family who has stayed consistent with me! Noah always makes sure I'm feeling okay and he's always given me a birthday present when my own fucking husband forgets it! He makes me happy and treats me like a queen! Not once have I ever thought he would leave me for somebody else but you! I have the same thought bouncing around in my head all day every day!" I screamed letting the sobs wrack through my body.

After Griffin stood there for a few minutes, staring at my shaking body, I gave up. On him. Our relationship. On everything.

I composed myself and stood up, whipping the tears from my eyes and staring him directly in the face.

"I want a divorce. I never want to see or hear from your worthless self ever again. You can have the house and all the bullshit in it. Throw away my clothes I don't care but never speak to me again." I said as I grabbed my purse again and walked to the front door, leaving him in the kitchen, dumbfounded.

"Oh one last thing. I'm keeping your wedding ring. I might pawn it off and use the money to buy a nice, new lingerie set for Noah." I called out before slamming the door.

I threw my key to the front door in the bushes before speeding off. All of my important things were in different places like my laptop was at Noah's and my birth certificate and social security card were still in my parents house since I was so unorganized.

I felt like a free woman now. I had no more dirty, cheating husband and I was on the way to the love of my life's house. I think I deserve a lot more sex from Noah after dealing with Griffin for over eight years.

A/N- It's shorter but I really like it so here you go.

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