Ruined Surprise

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It's two months after Noah and Dixie's one year anniversary. Dixie has noticed Noah become more and more secretive. She starts to worry as that is exactly what happened before she found out Griffin was cheating on her. She decides to confront Noah about it so she can get to the bottom of his secrecy.

November 13th, 2021 Dixie's Pov:

Noah has been really distant the past few weeks. Almost like he's hiding something from me. It's really been upsetting to me, to the point that I break down any time I'm alone. I talked to James and Larray two days ago and they said to talk to him about it to see whats actually going cause they don't believe Noah would ever cheat. I just shrugged it off and decided to talk to Charli about it.

We went to Dunkin and sat outside with our coffee's to talk. As I was explaining to Charli how i felt her phone started ringing. The screen lit up with a picture of Noah and her phone said 'Noah' She clicked the decline button quickly and flipped her phone face down on the table. I tried to brush it off but my mind wouldn't stop wandering and thinking that my boyfriend was cheating on me with my little sister. After the whole incident I couldn't focus on our conversation anymore so I decided to cut our coffee date short and go home. I dropped Charli of at her apartment and then drove to mine.

Once I walked in the door all the emotions came flooding out of me. I threw my stuff on the ground and ran to my room crying. I climbed in bed and started sobbing. I was crying so hard my whole body was shaking. My sobs soon turned into screams and I couldn't contain it anymore. After 30 minutes of constant crying my body gave up and I passed out hard and there I slept for 4 hours.

I woke up to Noah rubbing my back and kissing the back of my neck. "Hi bub, Charli told me what happened." he told me laying down next to me. "Yeah I'm sure she did." I told him coldly, rolling over to face away from him. "Dix, I promise you it's not what it looks like." He said trying to convince me. But it wasn't working. "Yeah that's exactly what Griffin tried to tell me." There was a moment of silence after I said that but I didn't even feel bad. "Dixie Jane! Why would you say something like that? I promise you on my own life that I would never do something like that to you. I'm nothing like him and you know that." he said sounding shocked. "yeah, whatever." I said closing my eyes. I felt weight lift from Noahs side of the bed and then heard hime come around to the dresser. I opened my eyes slightly to see him feeling underneath the top drawer for something. He finally found it and then stayed turned around looking at the item. He started to turn around so I closed my eyes again. He put something down on the side table and turned towards the door. "If you really must know, that's why I've been so secretive lately." He then left and went to the kitchen.

I waited til i heard the bedroom door close again before I opened my eyes. What I saw sitting on there made me feel absolutely terrible for how I had treated him. It was a small black box covered in soft velvet. I picked up and opened it to find a small ring that made me gasp. I took the ring out with my shaky hands and looked at it. It was a silver ring with diamonds going all around the band. There was no big diamond in the middle just the small ones going around. It was simple. Just how I would like it. I put the ring on my left ring finger an stared at for a while. I realized what I had just done and shot out of bed. "NOAH, WAIT! I'm sorry!" I shouted running through the apartment to the front door. "It's okay bub. We'll be back soon and then we can talk." He said giving me a slight smile. It was only then that I noticed him holding Cali and Jim's leashes. "Oh okay," I said quietly. He came over to me and gave me a kiss then they left to go on their walk.

After 2 hours Noah still wasn't home. I started to worry since they usually come back after 30 minutes since Jim doesn't like to be outside for to long. I decided I would text him to make sure he was okay.

Dixie: Hey bub, I'm really sorry. I wanna talk so when will you be home.

He almost immediately responded so I kew he was okay.

Noah; Sorry bub, I didn't realize the time. I'll be home in about 30 minutes.

Dixie: Okay. I love you

Noah: I love you too

I started to calm down and decided to watch Netflix while I waited for him. I decided on Grey's Anatomy for the millionth time and started an episode. After about 20 minutes Cali came in and jumped on my bed. "Hi Cali!" I said excitedly while petting her head. "If you're home that means Noah is home too." I jumped out of bed and ran to the doorway. When I got there I saw Noah taking off Jim's leash. When he stood up I ran and jumped in his arms. He caught me and put his hands underneath my thighs and looked up at me. I smiled widely and kissed him. "Yes. One hundred times yes!" I squealed. "Calm down baby. We don't need Russia to hear." He said giggling at my excitedness. "Sorry I'm just really happy." I told him smiling even wider. "Trust me I can tell" He put me down and then wrapped his hands around my waist leaning in to give me a long passionate kiss. "So fiancé, do you like the ring?" "Like it? I love it! It's simple just how I like things." "I know, I got it specially made just for you!" He told me, matching my smile. Noah then picked me back up and we went to our room. He set me down on the bed and went to the closet to change his clothes. I sat there staring at the ring until I felt the bed dip down and Noah next to me. He kissed my cheek and took my hand in his. We rolled on our sides and looked at each other, staring lovingly. I stayed there cuddled up next to him, watching our show for three hours until I started to fall asleep. We were gonna get married and i was beyond excited.


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