Never Leaving Again

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Dixie's Pov: June 29, 2021

"No, no, no! This cannot be happening!" I whisper yelled at myself. I was currently sitting on my bathroom floor holding three positive pregnancy tests. But before we get any further, let's back track a bit.

I'm Dixie. I go to school at UCLA, I'm 19 and I'm going to have a child from my best friend. Two weeks ago, I was living the best life ever and now it feels as if everything is crumbling from the inside out.

2 months ago I found out my boyfriend had another girlfriend while we were still together. Instead of letting me mope around, my two very best friends came over, pulled me out of bed and forced me to go out clubbing.

After getting extremely drunk and catching an UBER home, we finally got up to my apartment where Curtis fell asleep quickly being his lightweight self. Noah and I still weren't ready to sleep so we went into my bedroom to keep the party going. One thing led to another and clothes ended up on the floor while adult wrestling could be heard behind the closed door.

The next morning was the most awkward experience I think I've ever lived through. We woke up not remembering anything buy the fact that we we're both naked and Noah hadn't even pulled out of me yet was a dead giveaway of what had gone on the night before.

Back in present time I was freaking out, wracking my brain for answers of how to tell Noah in the first place. I could just rip off the band-aid and tell him straight up but still. What was I going to say? 'Hey, I'm pregnant with your child,' and give him a sticker? Hell no!

I knew I wanted to tell him tonight but how, was the big question. After crying on the bathroom floor for hours, I decided to just have one of our normal hangout nights where we order food and talk, hoping that something remotely close to the topic comes up.

Texting Noah was really hard to do even though I wasn't even telling him anything. Yet. I kept writing out texts and then deleting them thinking they were to obvious. After 30 billion tries I just went with 'Hey come over for dinner and a movie?' I put the question mark to make sure I didn't sound to demanding or suspicious.

After sending it I threw my phone on my bed and started cleaning to busy myself and distract my mind. He responded quickly with a simple 'Sure! Be there at 6:30' After calming myself down from a mini panic attack, I went into the kitchen to make dinner as it was already 5:45. I went with the classic kraft mac n' cheese since I was so tired and it was basically muscle memory at this point.

30 minutes later I was still stirring the same pot of boiling noodles, if you could even call them noodles at that point. Tears were streaming down my face and I was thinking about all of the possible ways this could go wrong. I heard the front door open and Noah call my name, but I couldn't go to him. He kept calling for me, trying to find me in my apartment, but it would just ring in my ears.

His sweet voice, I would never get to hear again after tonight. I would probably never get to see his handsome face aging. I would never get to feel his warm cuddles and forehead kisses, feel the tingles on my skin when he would smile at me. God why did I just now realize I was in love with him an hour before I had to ruin everything, we ever had between us.

Friends or more, it was all going to be over.

"Dixie? Are you alright?" wiping my tears quickly, hoping he hadn't seen I turned around and smiled at him. "What? Yeah I'm all good!" I can at least spend a little pretending everything's okay. "Are you sure? I can see that you were crying." Damn it. "Yeah it's just stress from school and stuff. I bet a hug could help though." I told him trying not to breakdown. I was trying to experience all of those small things he does before it's over.

He nodded his head and then came closer to me so he could wrap his arms around my waist. Putting my arms around his neck, I let out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding in. As Noah was rubbing my back my breathing started getting quicker. I had started crying again.

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