It's Over

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Dixie's Pov:

Here I sat. In a lawyer's office, arguing with my soon to be ex husband over fucking house plants.

"I want the one in our bedroom." He says while leaning back.

"Oh my god Noah! You can have all of the house plants and the dishes and all of the damn throw pillows. You can have the whole house for crying out loud! Just sign the damn papers so we can leave. I'm sick of you dragging this out more than it needs to be!" I yell at him.

"No. I don't want to sign anymore." He says nonchalantly.

"No you don't get to do this to me right now. You asked for this damn divorce so you don't get to say 'no' now. I have gone through hell and back in the past six months and I need to get away from you!" I yell at him trying to conceal the tears that are threatening to spill over.

"I'll give you two a minute." The lawyer says as he stands up and walks out the office door.

We sat in silence for a few minutes while I tried to contain my tears. Noah came and sat down next to me and rubbed my back trying to calm me down.

"Dixie I don't want to do this anymore. I'm still in love with you." He tells me as he get's on the floor in front of me so he could see my face better.

"I am to but not as much. I can't do this with you Noah. You've brought me to much pain and I can't go back to the way things were before." I tell him as I push his hands away from me.

"No baby please. I need you. You are all I need. You can't leave me." He begs me.

"Do not 'baby' me. This is over Noah. Sign the papers and be done. You ruined us Noah." I told him as I got up and went to leave. Before I could open the door Noah said something.

"Riley misses you." I stopped in my tracks and let out a breath.

"I'll pick her up on Friday. That's the deal we made." I tell him, still turned away from him.

"She isn't sleeping. She cries for you all night long ." He tells me, trying to hold in a sob.

"She does the same at my apartment too but she'll have to get used to it Noah." I say as I turn around.

"See Dixie. If not for us... do it for our child. She needs parents who care about her wellbeing and you're not doing that." He tells me.

"Don't you dare try to guilt trip me into staying with you. You're lucky I even let you see her!" I yell at him as I throw open the door and storm out.

I know that I still love him but I can't stay with a person who wants a divorce because he's bored. He fixed my mental health when we were dating just to turn around and destroy it after we got married. And to think I gave him a child. I went through a whole year of pregnancy pain and after birth. I was in pain for three fucking months after having Riley because she was to big for my body to carry. Noah was the least helpful person too.

He would post on Instagram acting like he was some super dad that did everything for his kid and let his wife relax all day long when in reality he would yell at me every single night for not being a good mother or a bad wife.

He honestly made me want to kill myself.


Today I was going to pick up Riley from Noah's house. Yes I let Noah have the house but I think it was good to get away from there since it held such bad memories. I arrived and got out, going up to the front door and unlocking it. When I walked in, I heard Riley crying.

"I know you miss mommy, baby. She'll be here soon I promise." Noah tried consoling her.

I walked into the living room and saw Noah sitting on the ground with Riley between his legs sobbing. He was holding her in a tight hug, trying to get her to calm down and stop kicking her legs but nothing was working. I speed walked over to them and sat down on my knees. Noah looked at me and I could see the relief on his face.

I pulled Riley from out of his arms and she looked up at me and immediately wrapped her arms around my neck and continued sobbing.

"Mommy I missed you. Please don't leave me ever again." she said in between hiccups.

I didn't know what to say to her because I had to. I looked over at Noah for something to say but he was just as clueless. This whole divorce thing is destroying her life and I felt so bad about it.

Noah and I sat with her for two hours trying to get her to stop crying. Rocking back and forth and singing lullabies to her. Honestly trying anything we had gathered from the past five years of being her parents.

She finally feel asleep so I stood up, my legs numb from sitting in that position for so long, and tried to bring her over to the couch. Before I could set her down, I started to fall but was caught by Noah who had put his hands on my hips. Shaken up by his placement, I set Riley down and quickly pushed Noah's hands away.

I stormed away and into the kitchen, opening the wine fridge and grabbing a bottle of my favorite kind. I then moved over to the cabinet and grabbed a wine glass. Nice to know Noah hadn't moved a damn thing in this house. Soon after I poured my glass Noah came into the kitchen looking upset.

He came around the island and pinned me between his arms against the counter, he pushed his body against mine and made sure there was practically no space between us.

"Dixie Jane Beck. I still get to call you that because I never signed the papers. I love you and I can not let you leave me. If I could take back everything I've ever said to you, I would. I love you more than life itself and this all has really been an eye opener to how much you really do for me. For our family. I'm willing to do anything to fix this relationship. I'm begging you Dixie. Please let me fix us." He says as a tear slips past his eye. I stay silent for a while, searching his face for anything indicating that he's lying.

"Fine. If you want to fix this, sign the papers."

A/N- Lol now you'll be waiting far an answer because I am going to do a part 2. It's short but better than nothing cause I haven't updated this in a while. Bye besties :)

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