My Sweet Girl

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Dixie is 9 and a half months pregnant and beyond ready to be done with it. Noah is gone most days hanging out with the sway boys but Dixie keeps herself busy by tending to their first child, Zachery, but it's difficult to do when you have a watermelon and a half attached to you.

January 28th, 2027 Dixie's Pov:

"Zach! Your lunch is ready!" I was shouting up to my son that was in his playroom. Once I heard his feet come pattering down the stairs and through the hallway the front door opened. "Daddy!" Zach shouted. "Hi buddy! Ooh looks like mommy has lunch for you. Go eat!" Noah told him, setting him down. Zach ran over to the island and climbed up onto a stool. I slid the plate of food containing apple slices and a ham and cheese sandwich over to him. I handed him a juice box to him and then went to go greet Noah.

"Hi wifey, and my little princess!" he said, rubbing my stomach. I got on my tiptoes and kissed Noah. After a second we pulled away and he smiled down at me. All of a sudden he put his hand over my eyes, "I have a surprise for you!" I felt him shuffle around and then stop moving. "It's nothing big since I know you hate surprises." He moved his hand and showed me a small pastel pink blanket. It was fuzzy and had small cartoon giraffes on it. "Oh my gosh! Noah it's so cute! It'll match her room perfectly!" I squealed. "I know, my mom made it for our precious Zylah." he said smiling sweetly, rubbing my stomach again. We continued our conversation as we walked into the kitchen to sit with Zach.

We got to the kitchen and Zach was sitting there playing with his construction truck fork and apple slices. "Zach eat your apples before they get brown. I'll give you some grapes to push around your plate." I went to get his grapes and Noah decided to go live. I have Zach his bowl of grapes and then went back into frame of the live. "Hey guys!" we both said. The live could see my very pregnant belly and we're going wild with questions like what the gender was and when I would be due. "Guys my due date has actually already passed." I told them rubbing my stomach. After I said that I felt a sharp pain in my lower back/ pelvic area. "Owww!" I said holding my stomach. "What's wrong bub? Are you okay? Is the baby okay?" Noah asked worriedly. "No.... it hurts!" I said leaning into him, my voice getting higher as I continued talking. "Okay bub. It's gonna be okay," Noah said trying to keep me calm.

All of a sudden I felt an odd rushing between my legs. I realized what was going on and started giggling. "Dixie what's going on? Why are you laughing?" Noah asked his brow furrowing. "She's coming!" I said excitedly. As soon as the words left my mouth Noah started jumping up and down with excitement. "Okay guys we have to go cause as I'm sure you just saw, Dixie's water just broke!" He ended the live and then came back down to my side. I felt another contraction coming and my face started to scrunch together. "Okay baby just breath I'll call Addi to come get Zach and then we can get going." Noah stood up grabbing his phone off the counter. Before he could dial the number Addison came busting into the house. I guess that's what happens when you give your best friend ,who lives next door, a key.

"Alright Zach let's get going so mommy and daddy can get going to the hospital." Zach got up and ran over to Addison and out the door. Addi blew kisses at me and then left out the door to make sure Zach was okay. Noah helped me get up and to our room so I could change and get ready to go. "I'm gonna go and get the bags and put them in the car. Will you be okay to get ready?" He asked me, rubbing my back. "Yeah I'll be okay." Noah then left to the nursery to get our bags and load the car. I slowly got ready as the contractions kept coming and getting stronger.

After 30 minutes I was finally ready. Noah had come back to help me after ten minutes but the contractions were extremely painful and any time I had one I had to stop and have Noah push my hips so it wasn't so painful. He helped me down to the car and gave me a kiss. He ran to the other side and jumped in the car all smiles. "I'm glad you're excited cause I'm not having very much fun right now." I said as another contraction came. This one was even worse since Noah couldn't help me through it. After it subsided Noah started squealing. "Aren't you excited we're having another baby!" I just looked at him and scowled. "Yeah I am now CAN YOU DRIVE CAUSE THIS CHILD IS COMING AND SHE DOESN'T CARE IF WE'RE IN A HOSPITAL OR NOT!" I shouted at him. He got scared and started the car. "Alright we can go." He said rolling his eyes, he still had a big smile though. My sweet girl was finally on her way.

This is terrible I know.

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