"Well, I hope for a girl so we can buy lots of pinks." Mom smiled.

When Poppy came back I took Ryder from her so she could finish her dessert.

"Bring him over close to grandma and let me sugar him up." Mom said.

"So we thought about having a shirt made for Sunday that says promoted to big brother for Ryder and see who notices it first." Poppy said.

"Oh, that sounds like a good idea. I just wonder who will see it?" Dad asked.

"Who knows. I wonder if Owen can come? If not we need to FaceTime him now and tell him." I said.

"Text him Luke and see if he can come." Mom said.

📱 Hey! Are you available to come to family dinner on Sunday?

📱 Hmm, I don't think so why?

📱 We are over mom and dads can you FaceTime for a few minutes?

📱 Sure call me Luke.

"He said to call him that he couldn't come so he wants to face time," I said

☎️ Hey Owen!

☎️ Hey everyone! Let me see that nephew!

☎️ He's with his grandma.

☎️ So what's up guys? Why did I needy to come to Sunday dinner?

☎️ We have some news we want to share with you since you won't be here little brother.

☎️ What news is that Luke?

Poppy holds up the sonogram and I hold the phone close to it.

☎️ Can you see it?

☎️ Oh yeah! Pregnant? Poppy?

☎️ Yup Uncle Owen we are having another one. I'm eight weeks.

☎️ Wow! Congrats guys I'm excited for you both.

☎️ We only found out today and told her parents so we wanted to tell mom and dad and was going to tell everyone else on Sunday that's why I asked if you could come.

☎️ I'm sorry that I cant but I'll keep it a secret.

☎️ You better Owen.

☎️ I will Luke I promise! Well, I gotta get back to practice. Love you guys!

☎️ We love you too. Come home soon to gsee Ryder he misses his uncle

☎️ I will Poppy. Ok, gotta go bye guys.

☎️ Bye!

"Well, it looks like he was excited about it." I smiled.

"Yeah, he does." Mom said.

"Well, we better get going. Maybe I can get to that store in town to have a shirt made for Sunday." Poppy said.

We loaded up and said bye and to my parents and headed downtown.

"I'll stay in the car with Ryder if you want to run in Poppy," I said.

"I can do that. I shouldn't belong. What color do you want the shirt?" She asked.

"Umm let's go with a blue color?" I said.

"Sounds perfect! Be right back." She said as she got out of the truck and I couldn't help but watch her juicy ass walk in the store.

Damn that ass should be a crime to look at. I look through the rearview mirror and look at Ryder and he's sound to sleep.

How are we going to handle two small children? Secretly I would like a girl to have one of each but it doesn't really matter as long as Poppy and the baby are healthy.

She walked back out smiling holding the shirt up as she got in the truck.

"Wow, that was fast," I said.

"I know the man and he said he didn't have anything going on and he did it right there and congratulated us." She laughed.

"I hope he won't say anything." I laughed.

"He promised and zipped his lips." She giggled.

" She giggled

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