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It had been a week since we went and eat with Luke's parents

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It had been a week since we went and eat with Luke's parents. Those lemon bars were delicious.

Luke is helping dad and Hart and my uncles with the new stable that's going up while I tend to the animals unless I need him.

I had checked on them and we all gathered for lunch. When Luke walked in my heart fluttered when I saw him.

He walked over and kissed me before going to wash his hands and then he came back and sit beside me.

"I made chicken sandwiches and fries for lunch," Clara said.

We all sit around the table and eat. Luke placed his hand in mine under the table. I smiled over at him.

"I love you, Poppy." He whispered in my ear.

"I love you too Luke." I smiled.

I'm going to take Romeo with me to pick some apples and then I'll be at the house if you are looking for me." I said to him.

Once lunch was over we went separate ways. I got on the side by side with Romeo and went out to the orchard and picked two buckets of apples and threw a few to Romeo before we came back and I took the apples into the stable and fed the horses.

I checked all the animals again before I headed down to the house for a little while.

I never get to sit and just watch tv and that's what I had decided to do with Romeo.

I dozed off to sleep when I heard Brennon screaming my name. I jumped up and went to the door.

"Poppy hurry!" He said.

"What's the wrong Brennon?"

"Leave Romeo in the house and come with me. We had an accident and Luke has been hurt."

"Oh my god! Is he ok? Did anyone call 911?" I ask running with him up the hill.

"They are on their way. Your dad and Luke were hanging up tin roofing and well the tin fell and knocked him off the ladder and the tin cut him." Brennon said as we made it to where Luke was.

He was laying on the ground with a gash in his head and his arm was bleeding.

I ran over to Luke. "Why isn't he awake?" I screamed.

"I guess the fall knocked him out, sweetheart. Help me stop the bleeding while we wait on 911." Dad said.

I couldn't see through my tears. I rubbed his hair off of his forehead. "Luke, can you hear me?"


"Oh god, Luke. Please stay awake. We have help coming." I cried.

"I'm ok Poppy." He said as dad wrapped his arm.

The ambulance came driving through the grass and pulled up outside of the stables.

Dad was calm and he explained everything to the EMT. I told Brennon to watch over Romeo because I was going with Luke.

I pulled out my phone to call Daisy.

☎️ Daisy! It's Poppy listen we had an accident here at the Ranch and Luke has gotten hurt.

☎️ Oh god what's wrong? Is he ok?

☎️ He's awake. EMTs are here. He has a gash on his head and his arm is hurt. I'm going to ride with him over to the hospital if you want to meet me there.

☎️ Thank you for calling sweetie. I'll see you in a few.

☎️ Ok bye Daisy.

I ran around to where they were loading Luke in the ambulance.

"Luke I'm going with you!" I said.

"Sweetheart I'll follow in my truck," Dad said.

"Ok. I said getting up in the ambulance. I held Luke's hand all the way to the ER.

Once in the ER, they took him to a cubical and the ER doctor came to assess him.

"Well looks like you will need stitches in your head and an X-ray on your arm to see if it's broken." He said.

A few minutes later my dad rushed into the room with Daisy.

"Luke oh my baby are you ok?" Daisy asked.

"I will be mom but I'm glad that you are here." Luke smiled.

A couple of people came in and wheeled Luke away for some test.

"Where is Ron?" I asked.

"He went this morning to visit his dad at the retirement center so he's a couple of hours away but I called to tell him." She said.

"Well, I'm glad you are here," I said smiling at her.

"He's going to be fine sweetheart but I feel bad it happened."

"Dad it's not your fault. Accidents happen and well I'm just glad it's not worse." I said.

"Thank you for coming Worth. I'm sure you have a lot to do." Daisy said.

"No it all can wait Daisy. This is way more important." He said.

Thirty minutes later they wheel Luke back in the room and shortly the doctor walks in.

"Well Mr. Bale your arm is in fact broken but you don't have a concussion even though you passed out. We are going to stitch you up and cast your arm and you are free to go." He said.

"Thanks, Doc," Luke said.

"Dad you can go on home if you want," I said.

"And just how will you guys get home then?" He asked.

"Well, I didn't think of that." I laughed.

"I can bring them home Worth you go ahead because I don't plan on leaving," Daisy said.

"Ok well if you guys need anything just call me Poppy."

"I will dad and thanks for everything," I said.

"Yeah thanks for coming Worth," Luke said.

Once dad left they come in and stitched him up and cast his arm and we waited to be released.

Around an hour later we were on our way back home.

Daisy drove us to the main house because everyone wanted to see Luke and it was dinner time.

Luke insisted that his mom come join us for dinner and she agreed.

"You didn't have to fall to get out of working Luke," Brennon said laughing.

"Shh don't tell everyone that." Luke laughed.

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