"Hello!" Dream greeted, sitting down at a seat. The person was hiding their face.

"Please introduce yourself, in other words, please state your name." Nezu took out a pen a paper.

"I'm Dream."

"Awsamdude, or sam."

"I'm DropsbyPonk or just Ponk." The three introduced, Techno loomed in the background, a few crows were perched on the window, though the entire school is now infested with these weird-looking crow creatures and bees. 

"What powers do you have at the moment?" Nezu questioned. 

"I'm the god of the area we come from, well the main god of the area." Dream answered Nezu brushed this off due to Philza and Techno. 

"Here." Dream turned into a ball of light for a split second and suddenly had a mask with an X and a D along with 3 pairs of arms, 2 pairs of them seemed to be made out of something that resembled puppet arms. 'Dream' has also obtained 3 pairs of wings. 

"See, though I'm practically useless here since none of the commands work." Dream was disappointed. Nezu was actually shocked by the sight, it was quite an interesting thing to see. 

"I don't have a power, I just can do redstone mechanics." Sam spoke up. 

"I'm a business person, also a doctor, don't have powers besides growing lemon trees." Ponk followed. 

"Alright thank you for the information, let me explain some things that you might have questions of." Nezu spoke, taking out another piece of paper.

"You and your group of friends are currently in a different world, as it seems, and you're physical age has seemed to revert back to when you were younger. You people are currently being held, or protected, in U.A." the bear mouse explained.


"Is this like some... facility or something?" Dream asked. 

"Nope, it's a school." Techno spoke up, some of them forgot that the pink-haired person was just watching them... menacingly. This registered into Dream's head.


"Dream, don't worry, it's mostly combat." Techno reassured the group. 

"Indeed, and since the class room is getting a bit full, some of you can attend while other can choose not to but, you all have to attend hero training class." Nezu explained. 

"Also, this is a great deal since we this world doesn't work like yours, random farm animals just don't appear for you and this place provides Food, shelter and education about this world." the principal of the place explained, it wasn't like the three would disagree, everyone, they knew was at this area. 

"Okay." the group of new people spoke at the same, time. 

"Now... I have a few questions for you." Nezu directed at Dream, who was in his DreamXD form. 


The SMP group was stumped, they've been trying to activate their quirks but all the crows were just laughing at their futile attempts. 

"Shut up! I'm actually going to kick you out." Phil threatened, getting a bit pissed. 

"I vote on that idea." Wilbur spoke, a bit pissed at the crows, 1st they tattle taled and now they are being more annoying than Tommy. 

"I also vote for that." Everyone agreed to the idea, though it was just a threat. 

"KICK EM OUT!" the group started chanting, the crows were offended beyond belief. 

'We are telling mumza' 'you guys SUCK' 'we'll be back dadza you'll rue the day!'  the crows cawed leaving the room, they were going to do what they do best, tattletale. 

Just like that the crows were gone, well the chat mods were gone from the dorm room. At least the bee's stayed since they were just pollinating the flowers around them, it's a bit strange that Phil had access to a new version of Minecraft, but it was understandable since he is Philza Minecraft. 


Class 1.A entered the gym and the sleep-deprived man looked at the massive crater that was the gym. Izuku coughed a bit, remembering what Techno did.

Technoblade: nuked the entire floor. 


"Yeah... this is fucking dumb." Tommy crossed his arms, clearly upset. 

"I think it's pretty funny." Tubbo snickered. 

"I quit, I already have to power to write fate, what could be cooler? Turn into an actual ghost?" Wilbur was coping by not have a quirk. 

"They did say 80% of the population had a quirk and the other part didn't." Philza explained. 

"What the FUCK!? Tubbo can summon nukes with his 'quirky' and I can't do shit." Tommy complained. 

"Tommy you are the most human person in the entire dream smp." Wilbur told the gremlin. 

"..." the group stared at each other and covered their ears. 


"You are built like a normal CHILD, nothing special." Wilbur bluntly spoke, insulting his little brother. Tommy was pissed now, he put on some armor and an Axe. 

"WANNA FUCKIN' GO?" Tommy questioned, Wilbur started to run. Phil was just watching this, getting hit by a wave of nostalgia when they were children. Tommy cornered Wil, ready to shank a bitch, his Axe phased through his brother, this shocked everyone (even the person being attacked).

Tommy slashed a bit more towards his older brother's face, to be sure he just didn't miss at the 1st time, just to be 100% sure. 

"Is this what Techno feels like?" Wilbur asked himself, as Tommy just kept attacking while he was just sitting against a wall. The group burst out laughing at his remark. 

"Woah this must be my quirk." Wilbur spoke phasing through Tommy, goosebumps appeared on the blonde's skin. 

"Welp. I'm going to tell Techno about this. See yea creatures below me, minus Philza minecraft." Wilbur tried to jump out of the window but was sadly stopped as his body slid off the glass. 

"ow." Wilbur spoke slaying on the ground in pain.

"PFT HAHAHAH!" Tommy wheeze so hard, the rest of them followed. 

"I heard from Techno that the quirk's have a nerf of some sort by default so people have to learn how to use them." Ranboo spoke. 

"Thank you, Ranboo. THANK YOU FOR TELLING ME AFTER I THREW MYSELF AT A WINDOW!" Wilbur screeched. 



School starting in like a couple of days and since I need to focus on my study I need to stop writing this,

Also weekly uploads perhaps.

Sincerely, Author. 

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