11 | Hogwarts

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As Harry, Draco, Hermione and Neville all walked of the train together they were met by a booming voice.

"Firs' Years over 'Ere! Firs' years over 'Ere!" A giant looking man with a mane of dark hair and a straggly beard to go with it and a pair of beetle like black eyes was yelling at the first years.

All four started to walk towards the giant man with Dusk on Harry's Right shoulder and Malfoy on his left. The four got some looks since it's well know that Longbottoms and Malfoy's don't get on. Nobody had ever recalled hearing the name Granger before in the wizarding world and Harry? Harry was just a mystery waiting to be solved. Nobody knew his last name hell hardly anybody knew his first name. Nobody knows Where he is from, who his parents are or what he is doing at Hogwarts.

The four fast friends followed the half man to what seemed like a never ending pit of blackness, The Black lake. Sitting there ready for them were a small fleet of boats.

"Four to a boat!" The man yelled clambering into his own boat with his lantern and his boar hound who Harry heard the man tell weasley his name is Fang.

Draco, Harry, Neville and Hermione all got in a boat together as the little fleet took off over the lake.

"Watch yer heads!" The man - Hagrid - Yelled. Everybody ducked but Ron Wealsey resulting in what looked to be a very nasty cut down his face.

Once the boats emerged from the other side of the lake the students laid eyes on Hogwarts for the first time in their lives. Most were in awe and shock from the sheer size of it but not Harry. He had read about the castle in Hogwarts, a history before starting.

As the boat docked Neville stumbled out, Hermione rocked but both managed to get out on two feet. Draco had stood gracefully and exited flawlessly while Harry did the same thing.

"How did you do that?" Hermione breathed impressed.

"My aunt and uncle had me go to a sailing club" Harry shrugged.

"My mum and dad had me take lessons on boating and sailing just incase it was ever needed" Draco explained. "Is that both your first time 8n a boat?" The blond asked the two.

"No I have been on one before but it wasn't like a canoe type boat it was more a speed boat." Hermione smiled.

"It was my first time" Neville told the group.

The friends made their way up the stairs from the boat house in excited giggles with Harry never said much. He wouldnt speak much unless spoken too, he's too polite to interupt.

"The firs' Years Professor McGonagall" the man said.

"Thank you Hagrid" Professor McGonagall replied in a thick Scottish accent. Harry knew right away where she was from since his family took him up to Scotland a few times on Holiday.

Professor McGonagall went into a whole lecture about the houses. Rule breaking loses points while triumphs earn. Houses are like family. Blah blah blah. Harry didn't tune in, neither did Draco. Both had heard this speech a few times before coming.

"Now, when you go in I will call your name, you will sit on the stool, I will place the sorting hat upon your head and you will go to your chosen house. Any questions?" She asked. "No, good." And with that she walked away to collect the parchment of names for this year.

"My brother told me you had to fight a troll!" Ron Weasley exclaimed.

Harry and Draco snorted while Hermione and Neville looked absaloutley shocked at how gullible the boy really is.

Ron turned and sneered at Draco and Harry.

"Oh look, Malfoy thinks something is funny." He snarked, thinking he was funny.

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