8 | An angry Phoenix

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(A/N- This whole chapter is inspired by Sebastain500 's story 'A father a new life')

Harry and Severus returned to quite a sight in their home.

Harry opened the doors to the manor only to be met by what seems like another teenager with long jet black hair with streaks of a very light grey and eyes red as blood with tanned skin and she's very tall, maybe around 5"10.

"Dusk?!" Harry exclaimed incredulously. He would recognise the blood red eyes anywhere.

"Where have you been?" She demanded with a squirming Malfoy in her hands. "Here, we've both been freaking out since you didn't come back for us!" She snapped handing the pure white ferret with the blue harness over to his owner.

"I'm sorry, we went to the cinema but bigger question. How are you human?" He asked with his jaw hanging loose.

"I can do that, us dark phoenixes are shapeshifters. You were told this by Jarvis! AND your a dark Phoenix yourself!" She snapped again.

"OK im sorry, I didn't mean to leave you both by yourselves although I didn't think it would be a particularly big deal" The Vaenix held his hands up in defeat.

"Not a big deal he says. It is a big deal! What if something had happened and I couldn't protect you. What then?" She sighed. Harry walked over and place his hand on her shoulder, even though he was a few inches shorter Dusk still appreciated the gesture.

Malfoy had stopped squirming and he placed the ferret on his shoulder.

"Are you going to stay human or change back?" He asked the young Phoenix, well, young for her.

"I'm going to shift back later and then I'm claiming my rightful spot on your right shoulder and I don't come off there unless your sleeping or either one of us are in a different form, do you hear me?" She asked, well more like bossed.

"Loud and clear mamm" Harry saluted and they both walked away giggling and back to Harry's room, totally leaving Severus in a state of shock.

In the safety of the walls in which Harry sleeps there are two forms laying on his bed laughing and giggling.

"So Draco Malfoy?" She asked and at the name Malfoy, the ferret came trotting over.

"You know he is trained to respond to his name already" Harry laughed some more stroking the white fur.

"Well I should hope so, he is 11 after all" Dusk giggled at her own joke.

"But seriously, Draco. He is your mate isnt he?" She questioned.

"Yes, he is. He knows it, I know it. Now you know it. We can drop it until I'm 15" Harry laughed. "Doesn't mean we can't be friends because we are mates." He finished.

"True, that is a valid point but you still have four years to wait" she shrugged.

"Well who's the Dominant?" She asked another question.

"Obviously I am, have you seen that boy? He is... he's.. he just looks so fragile, like a ceramic doll that will break if you hold it too hard you know? No Dominant looks like that" Harry laughed again.

Soon they were attempting to teach little Malfoy tricks using the words of spells, you like Accio, Stupefy, Azkaban I know that'd not a spell but it's wizarding world related.

Accio clearly means 'come', stupefied meaning 'stay', Azkaban meaning 'get in your cage'.

"Here's an idea!" Harry exclaimed. "I will turn into a giant dog and you have to attempt to train me" he laughed at the look on Dusk's face.

"Fine only if you train me in some cool commands as a Phoenix."

As animals their mind isn't quite like a humans. They have to learn all the basic commands for that animal. Like for a dog it's 'sit', 'stay', 'come'. For a cat it's simply 'don't bite me you little bitch'.

"Deal, but we start now?" Harry double checked.

"Yes but it's your turn first and I'm training you in the simple terms though, like you should with Malfoy. What happens if someone has a hold of a wand while saying them?" She quizzed. Harry pulled a blank. He never though about that.

"True, ok shifting now" he told her.

Harry slowly pictured himself a large black German Shepherd and slowly again began to transform and soon enough the same large dog that was pictured was standing where Harry used too.

He noticed Dusk's face and pounced on the bed next to before licking her face.

"Get off" she giggle. Harry jumped down off of her and stood patiently on the floor.

"First we are going to do stay" she said but more so to herself. She conjured what looked to be a wooden crate out of nowhere and placed in upside down on the floor, a Slytherin green collar and lead and placed it around his neck and also a bag of what appeared to be bacon bits.

"Come on Harry, up on here, that's it" she was muttering as She place the dog Harry on the crate. She sat him down.

"Stay" she told him, having him sit for a second and then letting him off using the comman "Break!"

She circled the dog around and placed him on the crate and again in a sit position. "Stay" she commanded, waited for exactly a second before "Break!" Was heard through the room.

This same circle repeated for a while, the breaks between each command getting longer and longer and he was no longer always placed in a sit position.

Eventually she was able to leave the room without Harry following her until she would say "Break".

Harry stayed in dog form for a little while, well, up until his father and grandfather came to say goodnight. Dusk had shifted back to her original for a long time ago and was sitting cuddled up to the dog as he lay asleep on the bed along with the ferret.

Severus got no response as he knocked the door so went in to check and found a large black dog similar to Sirius Black laying on the boys bed with a black and grey Phoenix laying cuddled up to it with a ferret. The man knew straight away that this was his son but he was going to check anyway because he had noticed a collar.

He grabbed the tag that appeared on it and read it,

Harry Snape
If found return to
Severus Snape

He chuckled reading it and beckoned his father over to read it who read it out loud while full on laughing effectively waking the three sleeping animals up.

The very large, menacing looking version of Harry growled at his grandfather, shutting him up.

"Don't growl at me young man" Tom told him, trying to cover up his snort with a cough. "You look like a cuddly bear cub" Severus regarded. Again Harry growled. He did not look cuddly!

Both Severus and Tom smirked at the dog on the bed before they turned their backs and walked out leaving Harry alone to turn back.

He pictured himself human again only faster this time and just as fast he was kneeling on his bed before clambering off it and walking to his door.

"Dad?" Harry called out opening it and there his father was, standing with a smile on his face.

"We just came to say goodnight" Severus said warmly with a smile wrapping his 11 year old son in his arms. "Goodnight" he finished and kissed his head before letting go.

"Good night dad, night grandfather" the Vaenix said smiling as he hugged Tom who ruffled his hair. Harry turned and walked back into his bedroom.

He lifted Dusk gently and sat her softly on the pillow next to his as with Malfoy. He didn't mind them sleeping in his bed, they dont poo everywhere and they definitely don't urinate on the bed.

He clambered under his cover and turned his light out before drifting off into a good dream.

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