7 | Day out with father

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Currently Harry has 25 days left before he goes off to Hogwarts and Severus was intending to make sure he got to know Harry properly and in doing so booked the two tickets for a movie. He booked Drop Dead Fred and although Severus is no liar (besides for Albus) he needs to Harry pretend to be 12 since thats the movie rating.

"Winky!" Seveus called for his own elf, there was a sudden pop and infront of him was the elf he was looking for.

"What can Winky do for master Prince-Riddle?" She asked politely.

"I need you to tell my son to get ready as we are going out and to meet me in the entrance hall" he said with a smile and with a snap of her fingers she was off to carry the message.

Harry was sitting on his bed still in pajamas, wings out with Dusk and Malfoy (the ferret people!) He was running his right hand along his ferrets fur and stroking the feathers on Dusk's chest with his left when Winky popped in scaring him half to death.

"Young Master Prince-Riddle. Your father would like you to get dressed and meet him at the entrance hall because he is taking you out" she smiled before disapparating again.

Harry sighed and stood up allowing Malfoy to crawl back up onto his pillow and putting Dusk on the Blackwood perch his father bought for her. He walked over to his wardrobe and pulled out a pair of black skinny jeans which sat just above his waistline, a turquoise-teal coloured short-sleeved T-shirt, a baby blue denim jacket and a pair of ankle high trainers. Again the boy sprayed himself with his 'Blue Jeans' aftershave after washing his face, combing his hair (a futile attempt but the messiness makes him look older) and brushing his teeth.

The young Vaenix was ready completley in just under fifteen minutes and already on his way to the entrance hall to meet his father.

"So where are we going dad?" He asked the man who was in skin tight jeans and a navy blue loose fitting tip with his longish CLEAN hair pulled into a ponytail at the nape of his neck.

"We are going to see a movie" he told his son who started to bounce on the balls of his feet excitedly.

"What movie?" Harry asked, excitement coursin through his veins. He never got to go to the cinema often because Dudley would through tantrums halfway through the film from boredom and they would be kicked out. Harry wasn't happy that he never got to finish Hairspray.

"Drop Dead Fred, the only catch is you have to pretend to be 12" Harry nodded frantically, he has been wanting to see Drop Dead Fred since it came out earlier that year but Dudley wasn't interested and he was 12 yet.

"I can't wait. I have wanted to see that movie!" He exclaimed while his father chuckled.

"But first we gotta put those wings away, this a muggle place and if you show up like that there are going to be some suspicions" he laughed. Harry looked confused, he didn't know he could do that.

"How do I do that?" He asked his father, he tilted to the side.

"Just picture your full body in your mind only without the wings and the horns. They will disappear but they come back at your will, all you have to do is picture yourself either with or without them" he told his still learning son.

"Like this" slowly Harry started to picture himself with no wings or horns and he changed at the speed. His wings slowly folded in on themselves until they were back inside his back painlessly, and his horns shrunk back into his head. He was all set.

"Yes! That's it!" Severus praised, proud of his son. Most people make the mistake of imagining themselves too quickly for the first time and end up damging themselves and their extra limbs but Harry didn't do that. He naturally done it slowly.

Severus held out his arm for his son to take which he did and soon they were walking out of the door and into the muggle taxi that was waiting out front.

After about ten minutes Severus paid the muggle driver in British pounds before getting himself and his son out of the car and heading into the cinema.

Harry, knowing the drill already dragged his father to the counter where the popcorn, slushies, chocolate and a whole bunch of other sweets sat. The Vaenix picked up everything he could get his hands on before Severus could get a word in. He placed them all on the counter top and asked the sales woman for a large tub of popcorn, sweet and salted for both father and son and also asked for two large tango ice blasts which he was given and handed one to severus. Harry pulled a bag out of the pile laying and stuffed all the sweets in it, he grabbed the very large bucket of popcorn and his own slushie before they managed to get into the screening room.

"Dad?" Harry asked before even the adverts came on. Severus hummed in reply.

"Would you ever cut your hair? I mean it would be easier to keep clean when your working and you wouldn't have to tie it uo when it gets to hot. It would also make me smile" he asked then tried to explain why he asked.

"I was thinking about it but what about my reputation at Hogwarts?" He asked with a smirk.

"Well I'll just hex anybody he dares question you" Harry stated proudly. Severus laughed.

"I'm sure you would. I'll think about it" he smirked. Both males quietened down when the adverts finished and the movie came on.

After the film had finished Harry was smiling like crazy and was yelling something.

"The Megabitch squashed my face!" He yelled and then burst out in a fit of giggles, severus didn't look best pleased with his language but then eventually cracked a smile.

"Don't go about randomly shouting that Harry" Severus laughed. Harry's happy mood looked deflated at that comment.

"But it's better than running around shouting 'lots of lovely smelly dog poo' is it not?" He asked innocently trying to make a point. "And when I start school only I will know what it is apart from some of the muggleborns and the occasional half blood" again he made my good point.

"Fine but if it comes back to me then your in trouble" Severus laughed. "Oh and in Hogwarts I'm known as professor Severus Snape not Riddle or Prince-Riddle" he told his son who was now intrigued by this new information.

"Why not?" The Vaenix asked his father.

"Because the headmaster would have a field day with the information that my father is the dark Lord, He knows I'm your father but he thinks mine is a dead abusive muggle. So you will go to school as he has planned since you were born but as Potter" Severus told him with a tone of finality.

"Why can't I be known as Snape?" Harry whined petulantly.

"Because you will most likely be tormented" The Riddle heir told his son.

"I can handle it and they won't bully me for long, please let me join under your name. I don't want to be know as Potter when I'm not one, I'm a Riddle but that can't be known so at least let me take your name" he begged but also put air quotations around 'your name'.

"Fine but of anyone says anything to you, come and tell me. Don't be a Gryffindor and deal with it yourself, any other house but Gryffindor please?" He begged his boy while Harry just laughed.

"Let's go home and no more 'Mega bitch' stuff" Sev laughed. And with that they headed back home, Harry had forgotten that his Phoenix didn't like being left alone...

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