10 | Hogwarts Express - part 2

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"Well we should probably just buy a whole load of sweets from the trolley and spend our time wisely." Draco said with a sly smirk causing Harry chuckle evilly and Dusk to trill in agreement of the mischief.

"What do you have in mind..."


The scream of some 3rd years rang through the train as a not small but also not fully grown tiger cub stalked the train going from compartment to compartment, effectively scaring students of all ages.

Draco, who was following behind quietly, was trying to hold his laughter until a pair of red headed boys bounced out of their compartment seemingly unfazed by the large predator. The pair spotted that Malfoy heir and dragged him into their compartment causing the tiger to growl protectively and possesivley.

The tiger stalked up to the twins - who left the door open - and Draco. While the big cat walked into the compartment there was a dark skinned boy with dreadlocks who looked ready for hightailing it out of the window. The two red headed boys were smiling while Draco was sat awkwardly on the other bench. The cat walked up to him purring as Draco laid his hand on its semi-large head.

"Why did you drag me in here?" Draci asked suspiciously.

"Our brother-"
"Said you were-"
"Causing some-"
"Trouble with another-"
"Boy but-"
"Don't believe-"
"Him" the twins spoke simultaneously that it it unnerved Draco to no end but he seemed intrigued in what they had to say.

"Why do you say that?" He asked while the tiger fell at his feet and Draco started to rub its belly affectionately gaining looks of awe from the boy with the dreadlocks.

"Because we know our brother" the slightly taller twin with just one freckle on the left of his neck said.

"He is a pompous stuck up brat who has been babied his whole life" the second twin with no freckle but a birthmark on the top of his ear said.

"We also with to apologise for what he done to the other boys animal, he said it bit him but we don't believe that. He was tormenting the poor thing." The first red head said.

"Say Fred, where is the other?" The second one asked the first - Fred.

"I don't know George" the first twin spoke to the second - George.

"He is right here" Draco said pointing to the tiger at his feet who was still purring on his back. Draco didn't have any idea why he told them, he just knew that he could trust them. How? He had no idea.

"What do you mean?" the small boy with dreads asked.

"Exactly what I said." Draco remarked.

The tiger gazed into each of their eyes, his magic telling him he could trust all three. He nodded at Draco.

"This is Harry" he introduced Harry to the three boys. Harry stood up and sniffed each of them before brushing his head against each of their legs earning a scratch somewhere different from each of them.

Harry shifted back before their eyes in his true form. No scar, wings out and horns. The awe in the the trio's voices was quite funny to Harry.

"Wicked" both twins said at the same time while the other boy had yet to recover.

"How did-"
"You do-"
"That" the twins started but finished together in absaloute harmony.

"Simple, my inheritance" Harry shrugged as if it was nothing.

"What are you?" The other boy said rudely unintentionally.

"I'm what's known as a hybrid Vaenix. Not many about these days and what is left are hunted so you would do well to not tell anybody about this." He said with an unnerving smirk.

"I'm Fred Weasley-"
"And I'm George Wealsey" the twins stated their names.

"And I'm Lee Jordan" the third boy told the duo who where getting along with the three surprisingly well for two of them being Weasley's and all three are Gryffindors.

"Well, It was nice to meet you three. I hope us being put In Slytherin won't affect us being friends and allies in the future" Harry said with a smile before walking out with Draco who had his arm flung over the blond boys shoulders.

The duo went to walk back to their compartment when a girl with Bushy brown hair and two buck teeth popped out of nowhere.

"Have any if you seen a toad? A boy named Neville is missing one" she asked shyly.

Both Harry and Draco shook their heads but Harry took out his wand and that caught the girls attention.

"What spell are you going to do?" She asked intrigued.

"Watch" was all Draco said before Harry started a spell.

"Accio Nevilles Toad" Harry said loudly and clearly, his father and grandfather taught him some spells before he left.

Harry held his hand out patiently and soon a green toad came flying into his outstretched palm.

Just as he caught the toad a round faced boy with a head of messy hair turned the corner and noticed his animal in Harry's palm and he ran forward.

"Trevor!" He exclaimed taking the toad carefully from the you Vaenix while bushy haired girl was staring at his palm in awe.

"I'm Harry" he stretched his hand out to the girl who took it with a slight blush at the gesture.

"I'm Hermione" the girl said brightly.

Draco introduced his self as Harry stuck his hand out to Neville.

As introductions were out of the way all three decided to go back to Harry and Dracos compartment.

As the boys entered with Hermione and Neville Dusk trilled angrily at being left behind again. She flew over to his shoulder and nipped his ear slightly causing him to feel pain but not draw blood.

"Bloody hell Dusk, we were gone not even half an hour. You are so needy" he huffed as Hermione and Neville stared once again.

"I..is that a Phoenix?" Hermione stuttered.

"Yeah, her name is Dusk and she is usually not this huffy." Harry told them.

"I- I thought only Dumbledore had one" Nevile said puzzled.

"No, i have Dusk and my Grandfather has Tyrone. They are from the same clutch of eggs." Harry told them informativley.

6 hours later the 4 were in their school robes and ready for the train to come into the platform at Hogsmeade.

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