13 | dinner and house points

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Already the house point meter was sitting at 50 for Slytherin while Gryffindor was sitting at 5. All due to Ronal Weasley's incessant whining and whingeing about Harry's phoenix who never moved from the boys shoulder. Claiming if Harry has a pet in class then he should also be allowed one too.

What got the points taken away though was Ron's behaviour towards Dusk. Everytime he walked past he would yank her tail feathers or flick her on the back of the head. The bird would trill in irritation at the boy, Harry was surprised he hadn't been bitten by the Phoenix.

Soon it was dinner time. Weasley was glaring at Harry every second he got and wouldn't leave him alone.

"Why is he glaring at you?" Draco asked Harry with a frown.

"Because I got housepoints taken off Gryffindor for him pulling and flicking Dusk." Harry told him with a sneer and Dusk trilled in anger.

"Pardon my language but what. A. Dick!" Hermione came in with the sass again. Harry burst out laughing while draco looked confused.

"What is a dick and why is it bad to say?" The look on his face was enough for Harry as he fully lost it. The whole of Slytherin turned to look at him.

"A dick is a swear word and is a slang word for pe is. What I know it as is someone you really dislike, can't stand or they or horrible" Harry told him and all three started laughing.

"Well then, yes. Weasley is a dick" Draco got out through giggles.

"Most teachers won't know what that is, neither will weasley" Harry told Draco wiggling his brows.

"Yeah like I didn't." They were all laughing again.

Soon they were calm enough to eat, listening on how Weasley was getting grief on losing so many points that they were in the minuses until the 7th year Prefects got them back.

Draco plated up some chicken thighs with peas and carrots while Harry helped himself to the shepherd's pie but with extra mashed potatoes. And Hermione to a dish of the steak pie with potatoes, carrots. Peas and gravy. The three dug in before glancing over at Neville to see him waving with a smile. They all waved back and continued to eat.

Dusk helped herself to whatever she could get off the table and ate happily. Harry held a conjured water dish up to her beak and she drank happily. Weasley was glaring at the bird who was quite content and was plotting her demise unbeknownst to him that she is reborn in the ashes.

"So Hermione, during the Christmas holidays you should visit with Draco, we have a massive library that you would love" the young Vaenix told Hermione with a smile as her face lit up.

"Will your dad let me though? I mean, he doesnt seem to like me very much." She asked warily.

"He nodded his head at your answer for his question. He didn't ridicule you. He doesn't not like you. He just doesn't know you" Harry told her, she nodded and went back to her dinner.

"I suppose tomorrow we have Flying lessons with the Gryffindorks and the Hufflepuffs" Draco rolled his eyes while the black haired boy laughed at his new nickname for the stupidly brave lions. Harry doesn't have a problem with the Gryffindors per say. Its more Weasley.

"Why are we discussing Yule just now anyway, it's September" draco asked with a chuckle.

"Well, I like to be prepared Dray" Harry's answer came as Hermione snorted at his nickname while draco glared at the boy half heartedly.

"Only you can call me that" he told them to which the raven boy nodded and Hermione shrugged.

"I'll find a nickname for you, just you wait" she told him with a smirk.

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