17 | Journey back

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Harry had just boarded the Hogwarts express with Draco, Hermione and Neville. Malfoy was draped over the raven haired boys left shoulder while Dusk perched on his right. People stared at the Phoenix in awe, some in avid jealousy. Harry caught the eye of Ron Weasley again. The boys blue eyes shone with what looked to be awe, guilt and sadness. Harry decided then and there that there was something wrong with Ronald Weasley. Before the Yule holiday his eyes had been cold and hard. Now they were filled with warmth.

As they group made it to they're own proclaimed compartment the Vaenix spoke to his friends.

"I think something is wrong with Ronald Weasely." He told them.

"Why should we care what's wrong with him?" Neville asked.

"Because he seemed to be extremely different and remember i have the ability to sense his emotions. And they weren't hate. He made eye contact with me and I felt sorrow and guilt rolling off him. You can't fake that kind of emotion" Harry explains.

"But he was horrid to you before the holidays. He acted like a right twat." Hermione spoke up. Draco remained quiet, in silent thought.

"Yes but I wasn't paying attention to his emotions since I just thought he didn't like me for being 'Snape's' son. Before we left platform 9¾ for the holidays he smiled at me. It was weird. So when he found my eyes I tuned in to the emotions coming off him. It wasn't malice or hate or loathing. It was guilt. Sorrow. Sadness. And also awe" The Vaenix replied.

"That makes sense" Draco finally spoke.

"I don't like the boy with how he treat you, us. But that doesn't mean I want him to suffer if someone or something has been manipulating or doing something to him." He continued. Harry nodded and then Neville. Hermione looked skeptical but nodded as well.

Harry left money to the group to buy sweets off the trolley and left the compartment in search of the Weasley boy. He was found in a compartment by himself.

"Can I sit?" Harry asked with a certain coldness to his voice that made him sound emotionless.

"On you go" Ron answered, not looking at him. Instead opting to stare at the flurry of colours passing by the window.

"Can we talk?" Harry asked, hoping he wouldn't be back to the way he was before Christmas.

"Ye. Sure" the ginger shrugged.

"Why do you hate me?" The Vaenix asked.

"I don't. I can't explain it. I seen your ferret-" he pointed to Malfoy who was still sat on Harry's shoulder. "And thought he was lost so I went to return him and when I saw who was in the compartment, my mouth and body developed a mind of its own. I couldn't control what I was doing, what I was saying or how I was acting. I felt like I was being possessed and made to watch as I treated an animal like crap and its owner even worse." He admitted.

"Compulsions" Harry muttered. Ron caught it though.

"Who do you think compelled me?" Ron asked, his heart rate quickening.

"I know who it was but I'm afraid you won't believe me." Harry sighed.

"I might" Ron reasoned.

"Well I know it was Dumbledore." Harry said, waiting for the blow up. But it didn't happen.

"That makes sense. Dumbledore was at the station that day. He spoke to me and my family, offering all of us these horrible tasking sweets. Muggle. I think they were called Lemon Sherbets" Ron spoke thoughtfully.

"The sweets!" Ron exclaimed.

"They stupid sweets! Compulsions can be spells but also potions! It was after the sweets that I felt like that! If he put a compulsion potions in those sweets then anyone who eats them will-" Ron was cut off by Harry.

"Bend to his will!" Harry finished.

"Exactly. So we just don't eat his sweets?" Ron asked, the Vaenix nodded.

"Hey, we got off to a bad start. That wasn't your fault. I can see that now. Do you wanna maybe sit with me and my friends?" Harry asked the ginger who's eyes lit up.

"I mean, don't they hate me?" He asked miserably.

"No. They agreed to help when I brought this up. They just didn't like the way you treated me and my animals or them. They will forgive you when they realise what actually was happening. So grab your things. Come on." Harry explained as Ron stood up and grabbed his trunk and they walked out into the corridor and down towards Harry's compartment.

As they entered the compartment Harry noticed that the friends had bought a practically the whole trolley as a foot high pile of sweets lay on a spare seat on the bench.

The three looked up and smiled at Harry then they noticed Ron and their smiles faltered.

"We figured out what happened" Harry told the group who's expression changed to one of curiosity.

And that was how the rest of the train journey went. Ron and Harry explaining what they figured out. What happened to Ron. How he felt under the compulsions. How he reacted after they wore off.

They all became friends with the Weasley boy who wasn't as bad as people made him out to be. He was actually really nice and sweet. He is considerate and empathetic as they found out. He's smart he just acts like he isn't but that's no fault of his own. They also found out that he should be in Slytherin or Hufflepuff. He is fiercely loyal but also quite cunning. Its amazing how deep the Headmaster burns his hole.

As they arrived at the school the group headed into the great Hall together. Recieveing looks from everybody made Ron feel nervous but he was proud nonetheless. He never agreed with Dumbledores plans. His mother though? She was Dumbledores most loyal followers like Tom's is Bellatrix.

Dumbledore noticed Ron with Harry's group and his eyes twinkled in rage but anyone else would have thought different. He didnt notice the glare he recieved from Severus and Harry. He was too busy glaring at nothing in particular. He was going over how exactly his plans had failed and how bad. If it was redeemable. But he knows its not. Dumbledore just doesn't like taking no for an answer.

Harry sat at the Slytherin table with his friends telling them not to take sweets, specifically lemon Sherbets, from old crone.

The back to school feast started and the five talked animatedly between them as dumbledore sat glaring at them. Snape noticed the look on the goats face and made a mental note to contact his father about his sons safety.

After the feast everybody went back to the assigned houses and dorms. Draco and Harry got ready for bed and then went straight to sleep.

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