cafe (part 2)

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My eyes widened at the name.

'Wilbur Soot?! How could I not tell?!"

I typed the number on my phone.


'God I sounded so so plain. He's probably going to ghost me-'

"..." (typing...)

"Hello! Who is this?"

"Hey! It's Y/n from [insert cafe name]"

Wilbur POV (Do ya'll like POV switches?!)

Oh my god it was her.

My face flushed at her name.

I couldn't believe this. How could I have a crush on someone I met 20 minutes ago?!

I wasn't sure what to type next.

"How are you?"

'Good after meeting you.' I nearly typed.

"Good. What about you?"

"I'm doing fairly well today."

Is it weird to think a girl sounds cute on text? I wasn't sure.

Then I thought, why not hang out with her sometime?

"Would you want to hang out at my place sometime?"


"Sure! Address?"

I was unsure of giving this woman my address, but I was sure it would be fine..... I think.

"Here, it's [insert wilba address :)]"

"Okay, thanks! When do you want me to come over?"

"Is 5:00 pm later today good for you?"

"Sure! See you there :)"

I could feel butterflies in my stomach. I actually invited a cute girl over! Did I say cute? Shit-

Before I knew it, I have arrived at my cozy home. I hope my roommate j̶a̶r̶e̶d̶ Eric didn't mind (WE AINT GONNA DO THAT TO WILBA 😔).

"Hey Eric!"


"Im gonna have a friend over today! Is that fine with you?"

I soon heard his door burst open. "ITS IT A GIRL?!" He shouted with a grin on his face.

"uH- wEll yes- but not in ThAt waY-" I stuttered. She was very pretty, but I just met her.

"What's her name?" Eric asked, still with a huge grin on his face and both of his hands under his chin.

"Uh- her name is Y/n." I said, still flustered from Eric's teasing.

"Ohhh! Pretty name~" Eric teased once more while looking at me strangely.

My face flushed and started to walk away from him.

"Well I'm making dinner."

"Alright, I will be streaming in my room." He said

Did I mention Eric was a small streamer?


I walked on the side walk to the apartment that Wilbur told me to go to. I was a bit nervous- He was my comfort streamer after all!

It was a warm day, which was fine for me.

I soon arrived at the door and knocked it exactly three times. I heard it was polite to do so- but I wasn't sure.

I soon saw Wilbur with his gold framed glasses and a pink apron that said "Kiss the cook".

I giggled  at the apron slightly and Wilbur arched a eyebrow at me.

"Do you like my apron?" He chuckled.

I giggled slightly again. "Mhm!"

"Well you have to kiss the cook than!" He joked, but I didn't catch it.

I blushed and went on my tippy toes (since this dude saw so damn tall)and kissed him on the cheek.

We both stood there for a few seconds, extremely flustered.

Then, we both smelled something burning in the kitchen.

"SHIT MY GARLIC BREAD-" Wilbur yelled before sprinting to the kitchen.

I placed my purse down on a nearby counter and followed him.

I watched as he pulled out a metal tray from the oven, which did have garlic bread on it.

"It looks really good!" I said while smiling kindly at him. A light blush appeared on his cheeks as he said "Thanks."

He brought out a tall pot and started dicing some veggies.

"Can I help?" I asked.

"Sure, you can stir it when I'm done" He said with a small smile on his face which made me blush slightly.

I watched him get the soup ready for about 10 minutes before he called me over to stir the soup.

"Here stir it like this." He said calmly while taking my hand and showed me how to stir the soup.

A light blush dusted my features as he held my hand. Why was I acting this way all of the sudden?

Not to long later, we finished the soup and started to eat.

"This tasted really good!" I said to Wilbur.

"Thanks." He said simply.

We chatted for a while, mostly about Wilbur's life being a streamer. I didn't really care about him being a steamer, I cared about him being Wilbur.

Before I knew it, I was grabbing my purse and saying goodbye to Wilbur.

"Well It's my time to go." I said with a small, sad smile on my face.


I gave him a hug and looked up to him. Honestly, he looked really handsome up close.

Our faces got closer and closer, and our lips connected.

We soon pulled away from the kiss and I turned around.

"Bye Wilby!" I said, while walking away. I had to admit I was a bit flustered, but that was besides the point.

"B-bye Y/n." A deep red blush covered his face.

I pulled out my phone and texted Lia,

"Hey Lia,"

"He might be my boyfriend...

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