sweet dreams

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The SBI (Sleepy Bois Inc.) consists of Technoblade, Wilbur, Tommy, and Tubbo.

But no one knows about the 5th member, known as Y/n


Tommy and Wilbur was taking a walk around the neighborhood, and then they saw a little boy in a cardboard box on the side of the road. He had brown hair, brown eyes, and was wearing a yellow t-shirt with a bee in the middle and dark blue shorts, which were covered in dirt. He was also surrounded by what looked like 5 bees

Wilbur quickly ran over to him and saw a little (girl, boy, kid) behind him, gripping onto the boy's shirt.

"Are you guys alright?" Wilbur asked with worry

The boy nodded slightly while the little kid was trembling behind him, still gripping to his shirt

Wilbur yelled for Tommy to go back to Philza and tell him about the kids in the box

Tommy ran to his father who was currently reading a book to his older brother, Technoblade, inside their house, Philza. "Dadza! Dadza!" (Tommy's nickname for Philza.)

"What is it Tommy?" Phil asked, looking up from his book with a confused expression and while Techno's ears stood up at the sudden noise. 


"Whoa, whoa slow your role— what happened?" Philza said calming Tommy down slightly

"Well there was these two kids— one a little bit older than me and one about a toddler, on the side of the road inside a cardboard box."

"Well come on then!" Philza propped Tommy on his shoulders and ran where Tommy directed the boy to be.


Meanwhile with Wilbur...

Wilbur sat awkwardly next to the box next to the boy that said his name was "Tubbo" as "Tubbo" examined them.

"Your hair is prettty!" Tubbo said to Wilbur with a small smile

Wilbur blushed slightly. (not a ship >:( ) He doesnt get compliments that much.

"uH thanks?" Wilbur said awkwardly.

The little kid behind Tubbo was Y/n, who giggled slightly at his response

Then in the distance, Wilbur saw a very tall figure— wait never mind it's just Tommy stacked on top of Dadza

"HEY WILBURRR" Tommy cried out to him as they ran over to him.

"Hey Tommy, Hey Dadza." Wilbur said to them. "This is Tubbo and Y/n." He said as he introduced to the two.

"Hi!" Tubbo said happily

"H-hello..." Y/n said shyly. After getting kicked out their home they became very shy and was bad at socializing.

"Hey dont be shy, Y/n!" Dadza said with a smile

"S-sorry..." Y/n.  Said

"Dont be." Phil said "Alright kiddos lets go home, Tubbo, Y/n..."

Both tilted their head to the left in unison, confused.

"Would you like to get adopted?"


It was time to eat dinner back at home, It was soup and pumpkin pie for dessert.

"Here you are kiddos" Phil said as he handed each child a bowl of soup

"Thank you Mr. Philza!" Tubbo said

"Please call me Dadza" Phil said with a reassuring smile

"Okay, Dadza!" Tubbo said

Then soon later a hot plate of pumpkin pie was placed on the table.

"One slice of pie for everyone, no extras." Phil said demandingly. Y/n had a feeling they had eaten more than they should had in the past...

Everyone gobbled on Phil's pumpkin pie, his baking after all, was amazing.

It was so good that Phil had to slap Tommy's had away after he attempted to steal another slice

And so did Wilbur

and Tubbo

and Techno, but he got away with it.


It was time to go to sleep and Phil read the children a bedtime story, "The City of the Two Knights"

Everyone fell asleep except Y/n

"The voices..." Y/n trembled "are too loud..." Y/n mumbled

Philza noticed Y/n huddled up in a corner and walked up to them.

"Y/n are you alrig?-" As he reached for their shoulder

They flinched at his touch.

Phil pulled his hand back

Phil asked, "Whats wrong, Y/n?"

"The voices..." Y/n mumbled

Ah, now he knew.

Him and Techno had the same experience with the voices calling for blood, but Ranboo's voices were Dream's (I think I'm not sure)

"Y/n listen to me" Philza gripped her shoulders and turned them to face him.

"You need to listen to me Y/n, Ive gone through the voices too, and I'm telling you... they haven't done me good." He paused for a moment before speaking again.

"Just tell the voices to shut the hell up." He said "It worked for me, and i think it can also work for you" he said smiling softly at them

Phil pulled them into a tight hug as Y/n's eyes widened, she had never experienced affection before, not even from her best friend Tubbo. She slowly accepted the hug and soon after Phil felt Y/n's breathing slow and go at a steady pace, she was asleep.

Phil quickly crafted a bed and placed her in it.

"Sweet dreams." Philza kissed her forehead (no shipping please. She is a minor.) and walked away


The next day while Phil was reading on the couch and everyone else was eating, Y/n scrambled herself on he couch to face Philza.

"So... yesterday" Phil said awkwardly

And then suddenly, Y/n pulled Philza into a tight hug

"T-thank you Mr. Philza." Y/n said as their eyes started to fill with tears and Philza's shirt and jacket got wet

"Please call me Dadza" Phil said softly with a smile and lightly put his head on top of theirs

Suddenly from the other room they heard a camera click, the whole family was watching through the doorway taking pictures and one had notifications on.

"How did i miss four children standing in my door way...? Never mind that WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING?!?!?!" Philza questioned and the four children ran away to their rooms, giggling

Y/n coughed slightly and Dadza looked down at them, she was still clinging to him and suddenly realized at and pulled away

After 3 seconds of silence, they started to laugh.

"Dont worry, Y/n. I won't let anyone hurt you again."

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