
After another day at school, I went home like always and Lauren took a ride back home with me. She told me goodbye but before it I needed to tell her something. "I've been texting Mathew since the morning, and he invited me to go to the cinema with him, like a date but I need your help... Can you come inside for 10 minutes?" I asked her while playing with my hair. She looked so little next to me, since she was only with vans and I was with my heels. I never understood why she didn't wore clothes like normal people, I mean me. She was a little pretty, and if she did it like me she would be even better. Well, after so many time being friends with her I convinced myself that I couldn't change her. She agreed with me and we both got inside. My mom was on her bedroom so I didn't cared and just went upstairs, where it was my room. In the 2nd floor, all we had was my pink big room. I know it sounds spoiled, but to be honest, I was. She asked me what were going to do, so I told her I needed her help with clothes. She's not the best person to ask for fashion advices, but I did it anyway. It wouldn't hurt right? She told me that I should've dressed the pink one, with a little of sparkles in it. "Oh my gosh, are you crazy? I wear it too much. Ugh, you can't even help me with something little. If that's your opinion, you can go cause I'm gonna do it by myself", and after those words came out of my mouth I only saw her saying "I guess you don't need my help anymore, I'm going home" while grabbing her backpack and standing up. "No, I didn't meant to say that, just stop this drama and help me. I'm going with this black shorts, a white shirt, my pink heels and a black purse" I said replying to her stupid comment. She nodded with her head agreeing with me, and after that she looked a little confused. She told me she needed to go home cause she had to buy things for some stupid spanish school project. "Who's your partner?" I asked while she was leaving "Austin, why?". I grabbed her arm and said "What? Don't you remember what happened last time? You don't like him and you don't want that again, I know you". She sighted and I knew exactly what was going on. "You like him right? I'm not stupid, you can tell me this kind of things" I said trying to be conforting to her. Why I was doing that? I still don't have any idea, but I felt like Austin liked her back. I don't know, before that kiss situation, I always thought he had a huge crush in me, but after that I started to realize the details. The way they looked, acted, smiled and laughed when they were around each other was different. I didn't really cared cause I had no feels for Austin, he was just my boyfriend cause he was a good kisser and it was popular, and he could also appologize me from everytime I cheated or treated him badly. She sighted again, and I just told her not to answer anything. She wouldn't say any word, cause I know her. When she holds something inside, she really does. She didn't said a word, she just hugged me and left from the front door. After doing a couple more things, it was almost time for the date. I straighted my hair and made a dark makeup and changed my clothes. He got at my front door with his car and we went together to the movies. Well, we didn't saw the movie obviously, and after the date he took me to his place and we had a great time. If you're thinking we had sex, yes we did. I couldn't sleep there because of my family and school at the next day, so we just said goodbye after it and I went home like a normal day.


At the next day, I went to school in a great mood. I didn't knew why, maybe it was the hot Miami weather, maybe it was the fact that we were one week away from summer, or maybe it was just having the thought of having Lauren studying with me at my place. If I start to say how school went, all you're gonna see is "boring" or "nothing productive", so let's just skip to the end of the school day. I called Lauren to my car and we went to my place. She had bought some things like glue and pink paint so we could use to do our project. As soon as we got there, I noticed that there was no one home, so I told her that and we went straight to my room to start the project. She opened her backpack and took some things like glue and paint, and I had some wood sticks, and that would be how we were going to do our model. We started to buildt it, and she was doing it so easilly, while I was struggling to glue the sticks together. At least I would be more helpful at the painting part. It took us about one hour to glue all the sticks to make the house, and she told me to draw the flag of Argentina so we could use it too. After doing it, she helped me me to glue the flag on a stick, so we could put right in front of the building. It was finally the part to pain it, I decided not to mess my shirt with paint wearing a old shirt, and we both decided that the best way to do it was going on the yard, so we wouldn't make a mess inside. I carried the model to one of the yard tables next to the pool, and I noticed she was a little concerned when we started to paint. "What is going on? You look worried..." I asked a bit curious, and she replied "It's just that.... I don't wanna mess this shirt with paint". I told her to wait a minute, so I took off my shirt to give it to her. The look on her eyes was like she was amazed or something, but I couldn't help to noticed that she couldn't stop staring at my abs. "No, I can't accept it Austin, thank you but..." she said before I cutted her saying "There's no problem, just put it on I don't care". She smiled at me and laughed a little bit, while she putted the shirt over her head. She looked so perfect wearing it, even looking a little messy. We continued to do the painting, and after we were done she told me we needed to wait about half hour to paint again, so the color would look better. We got inside again and she took of my shirt, only wearing hers and gave it back to me. I putted it back and I smiled at her. We went to my room to wait a second. While I was on the chair looking at my phone she was doing the same, but I noticed something. She laughed a little, but not her normal laugh, it's was like she was shy or something. "Why are you laughing?" I asked her with a smile. She blushed and looked at me with a smile. That was when I realized. Last time we studied Spanish in my house, we kissed. I just looked at her in the eyes and bitted my lips. My heart was beating faster, and for some reason I couldn't control myself. It was like my head took over my body and I sitted next to her. "Austin, what are you doing?" she asked confused. I need to say, so that's when I did. "This" so I pulled myself closer to her again just like last time, and it all felt perfect. My lips touched hers softly, and after making my first move with my hand on her hips, I realized she was kissing me back. Her hands when to the back of my neck, and there was no word that could decribe that situation. I was with my heart beating faster and I had chills being sent all over my body. Her lips were so perfect, and by the middle of it, I could feel her mouth opening for a smile. She pulled herslef back, and smiled at me, this time not looking confused. "I've been wanting to do this for so long", I said taking my breath back. She looked me in the eyes and replied with a shy but at the same time confident voice "Me too". I looked at her in the eyes again, and all I wanted to do was kiss her again. We stood in my bedroom for about ten more minutes, but then she said she needed to go home. I leaded her to the door, and when we got there, she just hugged me, smiled and left. I stood on the door watching her till I couldn't see her any longer. But in that moment, a thought came in my head. What about Vanessa? It's not like I still had feelings for her, but I couldn't even imagine the things she could say or do about it. She could freak out, spread it to everyone, or just don't care like last time. I won't lie, I was scared again. There was something about her that made me afraid everytime. It's like she could change your life in matter of seconds, ruining it or making it way better, and once again I was worried about her friendship with Lauren. I was worried about Lauren.


I know it took a lot to upload this chapter, but I was having some troubles in my life and I didn't had much time to write so I'm really sorry!~

Leave me some feedback about this chapter and even about the entire fanfic<3 Thank you all for reading<3

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