"What are you doing?" She whispers.

"Just playing the in lust couple Phénix," I mumble before my lips attach to her neck. I feel her stiffen so I thread my hand through her hair silently telling her to relax and that it's all part of the plan. She needs to look like she's enjoying it for this to work. If not, they'll follow us upstairs and we'll get caught.

I lick the skin on her neck and I feel her shiver. It makes me smile, and I know she feels it because she laces her hands through my hair tugging a little to hard. I lightly bite her neck in return. She subconsciously rocks her hips against mine, and it takes all my will power not to groan. I grip her waist tighter.

I suck on the spot right by her ear and a breathy moan escapes her lips, bringing me back to that night in the motel room.

I know we said that was a one time thing, but this is for a mission so it doesn't really count...right?

But I love seeing the way she reacts to my touch, -the way her body jerks and the sounds that leave her lips, like right now, makes me smug as hell- even though she says she hates me. It feels like a challenge, and I love it.

Just to rile her up more, I roll my hips into hers and trail my hand up her red gown to her thigh. I hear her sharp inhale and her breathing starts to deepen.

"Okay, I think we can go now," Phoenix's voice is scratchy. Just for good measure I trail my lips up her neck, reaching her ear. I take her earlobe between my teeth and nibble on it gently and her fists in my hair and on my shirt tighten.

I pull away from her, "Let's go," I put my hand on the small of her back, leading her towards the doors. She clings onto my bicep and I feel her deep breaths, trying to calm herself down. It makes me smirk as I turn on my earpiece as we walk across the room towards the doors.

"I can't believe it!" Aziel's words are the first thing I hear.

"I wish we got that on video!" Aspen wheezes.

"Hey, can you guys try not to blow your cover?" I interrupt them as we walk out of the doors and into the long hallway.

"There never gonna let us live that down." Phoenix mumbles.

"Nope." I hear a snort on Aziel's end.

"Okay, whatever, just do your job and make sure Alek doesn't leave that room. Got it?" Phoenix tells them seriously

"Got it," They say at the same time, sobering up. We walk into the elevator and press the top floor. Aspen found blue prints to the building yesterday and showed us the layout of it, so we know exactly where to go.

There's still some tension as we wait for the elevator to go to the top floor so I break it taking off my ear piece. Phoenix looks over and takes off hers too. "What?" She asks.

"How are your stitches?"

If she's shocked by my question she doesn't show it. She takes a second before answering, "They're fine. They don't hurt as much as they used too." She pauses before saying, "How are you so good at stitching?"

I shrug, "They taught us at the agency."

"Well yeah obviously but," She rolls her eyes like it pains her to say her next sentence, "Even my stitches aren't that good."

"Wow, is that a compliment chérie?" I smirk, she flips me off making my grin widen. "Have you ever watched that one doctor show?" I ask her.

"Doc Mcstuffins?" She smiles.

Despite myself, I burst out laughing, remembering how she called me that when I was stitching her up. She stares at me -with something in her gaze that I refuse to acknowledge-, biting her lip to contain her smile. "No, Grey's Anatomy."

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