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I'm just getting back into our hotel room when I start to feel the pain seeping from my wounds. I walk in and it's completely quiet.

I guess Aziel and Aspen passed out.

That's good, I don't really want them to see what happened and I don't feel like talking about it. Sighing I walk towards the kitchen getting ready to clean my wounds but stop mid-step when I see Hayes. I'm suddenly so glad the lights are off.

I lean against the fridge trying to seem as casual as possible but I feel myself start to get light-headed from the blood loss.

"Where were you?" He asks slowly walking towards me.

"Getting more vodka for Aspen and Aziel. But I guess they passed out." I say to him, trying to keep the pain out of my voice. He walks past the island only a few feet from me. "Why are you in here?"

"Late night snack." He looks me up and down, "You seem pretty out of breath for just getting some vodka..." Hayes muses.

I hum in thought as I feel my head getting lighter, "I took the stairs up here...you know...exercise is...good."

"Mhm, where's the vodka?" He mumbles.


He's in front of me now. I can't see the look on his face or how he's feeling because it's so dark in here. Our chests are almost touching and I try to control my breathing so he doesn't think anything is wrong.

"Someone stole it from me." I lie.

"Is that what happened?" He starts bringing his arm up. As he leans in closer, I remember the feeling of his hands and lips on me from the other night. My breathing deepens even more as I remember how his hands gripped my hips and hair. How his lips felt creating these marks on my neck. How his teeth felt when they closed around my skin in the most sensual way. How his hips grinded into mine sending feelings of ecstasy through both of us.

I'm to distracted by the thoughts from last night to see what he's about to do. He pushes down on my arm (the arm Andrey's guy stabbed me in) and I yelp in pain jumping out of the way.

"Jesus Christ Phoenix. What the fuck happened?" He looks down at his hand probably seeing all the blood on it.

"It's that time of the month." I try to joke but I feel myself about to pass out from the pain. I grip the counter my knuckles going white from trying to stay conscious.

I swear I see his lips pull into a grin but it's gone so quickly I was probably just hallucinating from the blood loss. My knees buck from underneath me, and my grip loosens on the counter and I brace for impact on the floor.

Quickly Hayes rushes over and wraps his arms around me, catching me before I fall and he curses audibly. He turns me so I'm facing him, and then he sets me on the island

"Stay here." He says and then he walks into the hallway. I lay back on the counter because even sitting feels like to much work.

I hear water running from the bathroom in the hallway. The cabinets opening and closing. I feel my breath get heavier the more blood I lose.

A few seconds later, he comes back with a first aid kit. I try to sit up again but black dots dance across my vision making me pant. I'm suddenly picked up again and brought over to the couch.

"No, no. Blood is gonna get all over the couch." I protest.

"No it's not." Hayes places me down, that's when I see the towel already splayed across the couch. Hayes flicks on the lamp on the side table, engulfing the room in a warm glow.

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