Part 37: "Don't Sell Yourself Short Kid"

Start from the beginning

What will happen is you and Q are going to go to the little HR department to put in your complaint and then I'm going to have to retaliate. I refuse to be a target in my own department and soon enough things will keep escalating. Now no, I do not have the power to cancel the show or fire anyone, well at least not the guys, But...I do have control of all content that gets approved for the show. Believe me when I say that I know what can make a show a success, and what makes a show the next on the list of cancelations."

Nova blinked and drew her head back in disgust.

"So much for an apology" She scoffed.

"Look, I don't want to make waves. I'd much rather everything keep going the way it is. That's why I'm giving you the opportunity to hear my apology, understand that this will never happen again, and let us move on from it. And besides. I'm sure there is someone out there that has the footage to show that Q got physical first...There were a ton of phones out on that dance floor..." Topher said, singing the last part.

Nova stayed quiet and glared at him. She truly had no words for everything he just threw at her and she was afraid to spit fire at him before checking to see how much gasoline was around her. She didn't want to say the wrong thing and declare war right here in her own little nook, not sure if she was ready to take on all he was suggesting. She felt cornered.

"Well" She said with tight lips.

"Sounds like you got it all figured out then. I guess those are the things you have to do to stay on top. Specifically, those are the things YOU have to do. It sounds to me like you have had plenty of practice in this particular infringement and you just know all the right words to say" Nova said in a light voice while clasping her hands together in sarcasm.

"What can I say, I'm a man who knows what I want and how to maintain it" Topher said darkly.

"Oh" Nova said, nodding her head and raising her eye brows sarcastically as if she had just learned something.

"Well as a woman who knows what she wants, I would like you to leave...Now" Nova shot back at him.

Topher pursed his lips and softly shook his head. He stood up and paused one more time before leaving Nova's office.

"I'm giving you a chance to do the right thing. For everyone's sake. There are a lot of people employed in this department. More than just you. People that have to pay bills and careers to work on. People that this show means a lot to...Just think about it"

He then left her office, leaving her to sit and dwell on the reality of what just happened.

"Great...Just fucking wonderful" Nova grunted to herself.

Now she had to try and focus on all the work that she had to complete today with this bearing heavy on her mind.

"Fucking asshole" She muttered.

She knew that the whole purpose of Topher's little visit was just a scare tactic to try and get her out of reporting him to HR but she couldn't help but wonder if his words had any true venom to them. After all he was a network executive, that was a pretty dominating position and if the show ever did get cancelled, they would probably just move him somewhere else and everyone would be screwed.

The guys were only on their third season and they were just starting out. They had so many plans to do so many more things, it would kill her to see Topher deliberately fuck with the show out of a petty vengeance and ruin their chances of ever getting to do all they wanted.

A petty vengeance that started with her...

As Nova continued to work throughout the day, she weighed the pros and cons of reporting him like Brian wanted her to do. Brian even texted her halfway till her lunchbreak to see if they were still on to take care of Topher together and she ignored him, not knowing what to say.

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