Chapter 41 : The End

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The tears in my eyes spilled over my cheeks, the floodgates bursting as I realized what he had done. My mouth opened to scream out, I am sure there was noise leaving it but I was no longer aware of it. My whole body felt weak with anguish, I would collapse if it wasn't for Luis holding me up.

Alita's hand went over the wound in her stomach, blood spilling out and covering her palm and fingers. In shock from the pain, she looked unfazed until she coughed up blood, chocking on the liquid as well as her own breath. I fought against Luis, wanting to be at her side but it was useless. He had no intentions of giving her any comfort during her final moments.

"Alita, I'm so sorry. Everything is going to be fine, I love you." No words were enough, none of them were even reaching her. Losing blood rapidly, her head began to sink down to the floor as she could barely keep her eyelids open.

She did not deserve to die, not like this.

There was pounding at the doors, the guards who have been with us longer realizing what was going on. While Angelo's recruits were preoccupied holding them off and Luis distracted, I took this moment to slap the gun out of his hand. My knife in my grip, I pulled it out and spun behind him. With the tip of the blade digging into his lower back, he remained in front of me from a tight grip on his shoulder.

All the enemy is good for is to be a shield, remember that.

Using him as my armor, everyone who still had their weapon drawn to me hesitated. Angelo's lessons had never sunk so deep, I was able to recall more in moments of adrenaline than I ever have before. While I knew that my dagger was far from a threat compared to everyone else's weapon, Luis immediately shivered at being targeted. I had never been considered dangerous, it had been my only advantage throughout all of this.

"Rayna, it's you against an army. Please rethink this before I decide that a quick death is not for you." Bargaining, I snorted at it.

"You are the flesh that stands between me and them. I hope your alliance with Angelo is tied with loyalty and not convenience, because should he consider your life disposable he'll demand a bullet go through both of us." I planted the doubt in his head, I felt him chill over in goosebumps at the thought.

Another shot had been fired, directly into Angelo's leg. With him weakened, Alarik sent an elbow straight to his jaw which made him fall to the ground. I turned my gaze to see with the last of her strength, Alita had gotten Luis's fallen weapon and made her move. After it had been done, with a smile she fully collapsed and went unconscious. I wanted to run to her, but with Luis I did not have enough hands.

They broke through the doors, bullets flying and fights breaking out between our guards and Angelo's. Alarik dove to us, bringing me down to the floor and setting Luis free from my grip.

"You need to leave, it's you who they want." Alarik warned me, fulfilling the pact.

"I'm not leaving now, my parents are still in danger. My sister is..." I trailed off, my bottom lip quivering at the thought.

"We have enough guards, if there is breath remaining in Alita then I will ensure she is brought back. If you want to make sure that they do not enact their revenge, you need to be kept safe."

You're the princess, everyone is inclined to protect you before themselves

My heart clenched at the thought of running, I did not have the ability to separate myself from everything. Out of every lesson I had learned on the offensive, that was the only that could never truly penetrate. I could not kill, I could not forget those who meant something to me. Even leaving Alarik made me feel cowardly, which I had not expected.

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