Chapter 15 : Jealousy

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"Coffee." I mumbled, feeling my muscles and mind screaming at me. There was a bruise in my side where Alarik had kneeled me, blooming all over my arms as well. When Cindy asked, I just said my training had been more intense than usual.

"You know your mother doesn't like it when you drink coffee." Cindy reminded me.

"I will not tell. Apparently, it runs in the family to not tell each other things." My passive-aggressive tone made her look at me with a raised brow. "I know about the age law, how I would not have to be wed right after my birthday."

Cindy froze, trying to hide her moment by quickly starting back up again. "How did you find out?"

"You knew, and you failed to tell me." I scoffed, my broken trust not even defending her in my own head.

"Rayna, please-"

I always thought of you as second mother, maybe because you secretly have been acting like mine this entire time." This was the emotional punch I needed to wake me up, to know the person I trusted with everything could not do the same.

"What would that have done, Rayna? We need you to marry-" She cut herself off.

"Why? Why do we need me to marry the prince of Hinyst?" I pushed the question that has been bugging me for so long, but she just bit her bottom lip. "Fine, we can play this professionally then."

"Rayna, don't act like that." She pleaded.

"I will see you after the lesson to pick up my dress for the ball, I can dress myself after that. I will go make myself a cup of coffee. Tell the queen if you like, does not matter to me." I walked out of my room, letting out a deep breath once my bedroom door was shut. It hurt, but I did not want to be friendly with someone who sided with my mother more than they sided with me.

I glided through the halls, looking for the professional kitchen instead of the personal one. My mother knew about my strange sleeping habits and since I've asked for caffeine before, she rid the personal kitchen of a coffee machine.

I walked into the environment with a bustling staff, preparing the meals to feed dozens of blue bloods tonight. I recently learned that it was the birthday of a duke's daughter named Avalon Gardiner, her family was in charge of Zetho, the southern territory of Dragran. Since she was being sent off to become a queen for a country that was missing an heir still, she was becoming a bigger deal.

Sounds of silverware scratching against pot and plates, knives quickly chopping vegetables, and meat sizzling quickly attacked my ear. But my nose was rather delighted by the scents of glorious food being made. I had to be quick, I could not relish in all of it since I came here on a mission. Besides, I would not want to be a bother for the people working rather diligently. So I spotted the coffee machine and weaved through people who barely noticed I was even cutting through.

"Rayna! What a blessing to see ya here!" The main chef called and I smiled at him.

"With such delicious food being prepared, I could not help myself." I told him. I remembered being younger and playing with the servants, whether it was with the kitchen staff or the maids and butlers who roamed and cleaned.

"What can I do for ya?" He asked.

"Oh no, I was just going to make myself a cup of coffee." I waved my hands dismissively, he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and let out a hearty laugh.

"I can make ya the best cup of coffee you'll ever have, and it's rather simple." He told me, walking us to the coffee maker. He began to work, the smell of coffee beans getting me excited. I have not had coffee in years, and this cup definitely would beat the last one.

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