Chapter 25 : Free Will

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"Alright, do not forget these times. We will not have that much time so we need you two in and out." Luis finalized once were done discussing the details. I rubbed my eyes and glanced at my clock, it was already two in the morning and I was not sure how much longer I could stay up.

"Could you two finally leave then, I was sleeping peacefully." 

"There's no rest for the wicked, darling." Luis grinned, a bit too excited for my liking. With that being said, he crawled out the same way I that he always came in. I wondered how he avoided the guards each time, but I suppose that was a problem only he had to think about. I had expected for Alarik to begin to leave as well, but he remained perfectly still at the side of my bed.

"Do you need help with something?" My exhaustion was making me snippier than usual, I did not have time for any of his snide comments.

"You did well tonight." The comment was almost enough to shock me out of drowsiness.

"Be careful Alarik, I almost considered that a compliment." I leaned onto my elbow while laying on my side, my head cradled by the palm of my hand. I did not have the energy to keep my head up, so I relied on this position to do the work for me.

"I am trying out the nice thing here, do not make it so difficult." Whenever his hands sought out shelter in the pockets of his pants, I knew he was feeling a little awkward or out of place.

"Our 'nice' is not compliments, it is relentless bullying." The reminder made him laugh, I saw him grow more relaxed now.

"So teasing?" He sat down at the edge of my feet, making himself rather comfortable for someone who was supposed to be leaving.

"They're synonymous."

"Not to me." He argued, and I know propped myself up and both elbows and turned my body to face him. My expression asked for further explanation, and I saw that old smirk digging into his cheek. "Teasing implies sexual tension."

My eyes widened, I should have known that is what he was doing. Alarik was trying to crawl back under my skin and I had to stand my ground this time, I knew better. "We do not have sexual tension."

"So you're not attracted to me?" I shook my head. "Whatsoever?"

"I have more sparks with Nigel than you." I meant to upset him, but I could tell that he took it as a challenge. 

"So you admit to being attracted to brick wall? I'm sure that is the equivalent to a conversation with him." Despite the insult, he kept an attempt of a polite smile tightened across his lips. 

"Because my chats with you are so invigorating." The sarcasm oozed out so easily, especially whenever he was in the general vicinity. 

"You are the girl that speaks in prose. I doubt Nigel even understands your shakespearean word choice at times."

"So you think you do?" The chuckle that left my lips felt short-tempered, wondering where he was going with all of this. I wanted him to stop before he talked me into another circle. "Alarik I am already on the Serpent's side, you do not have to waste your breath with me."

"I realize." He mulled it over, looking as if he wanted to say something but he made no move to do so. Our eyes locked for a moment, those predatory eyes looking over my frame and I felt incredibly exposed despite being clad. Why did his gaze make me unconsciously clench my legs together?

"Alarik, why did you join the Serpents?" It was a question that has been racking at my head, but I also needed a distraction from the thickness settling in the air. It was beginning to fog my mind, whenever that happened I made the most foolish mistakes.

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