Chapter 24 : Games

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"An event of games?" Cindy questioned when I presented my idea to her, a singular brow raised in something that reminded me of disgust. 

"It would be fun, we are all tired of classic ballrooms and dinners. It would be the perfect way to raise the spirits in the castle." I told her. "Everyone could participate, and there could be some kind of prize at the end. I have not gotten that far, but I was hoping you could help me with that." 

"Rayna, people of a royal caliber will not want to spend their time playing games in the courtyard." She protested the idea, and I looked over my event planner. 

"What if we provided drinks?" I offered a simple solution, but she only shook her head. "We used to participate in these festivities when Dragran was first formed, we would have these traditional dances and challenges." 

"We also used to have toilets outside, it will not work. Though having an event to watch would work, something everything will be anticipating and cheering on for." Rising from her seat in the unused conference room, fingers stuck to her chin as I saw the cogs turning in that blonde head of hers. "Like something with you and the princes." 

"What?" I questioned. 

"This marriage is one of the most anticipated events of the decade, for everyone else it is like watching a romance movie. What if we set up challenges between the princes for your affection, whoever wins would be your date to your birthday?" With the amount of jumps we took to get to this idea, I could barely keep up. "You are right, people will have enough of ballrooms with your birthday and wedding coming up. This would be the perfect way to get the public enthused with your larger ceremonies."

"I am supposed to announce my engagement at my birthday, would it not be a little awkward if my date was not who I announced?" I reminded her.

"Do you have a decision set already?" I shook my head. "Exactly, perhaps being your date for your birthday will help with your decision. It will also relieve the pressure of you having to come to a decision yourself." 

"I suppose, but-" 

"This is a perfect idea Rayna, I could have not come up with this on my own." Feeling undeserving of the congratulations, I gave her a meek smile along with a thank you. "I assume you already have the guest list as well as the itinerary?"

"Yes, everything has already been prepared." I handed her the tablet, she proofread it quickly.

"I will tweak whatever needs it, the games will be set for this weekend." Cindy decided, exiting the room immediately. Leaning back in my chair, I played with the ends of my hair as I wondered if I should have even presented the idea in the first place. I felt inspired from the festival I had seen in the town Alarik took me to, I did not want it to correlate with my impending decision. I thought it could be time for me to have some fun as well, but I should have known better.

Games set between Nigel and Alarik? I wondered how that competition would even play out, I have barely spoken to Nigel and Alarik seemed so far away whenever I spoke to him. It would be rather embarrassing if neither of them even tried, I would have to retire early if that happened.

"There you are, what were you and Cindy discussing?" Marina came in, taking Cindy's original spot. 

"We are having a set of games this weekend, the princes will be competing for my affection." My tone already told her how I felt about the idea, and I could tell she felt the same from the snort that left her. 

"I knew Dragran was old school, but this is just plain sexist." Marina told me and I nodded, I had not even thought of it that way until she brought it to my attention. It was true, a girl being the prize seemed so dated and yet Cindy saw no problem with it. "Do not worry, I already have some of the preparations for your birthday set up." 

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