Chapter 5 : Lowest Form of Wit

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"Oh goodness, tell me you are not joking Cindy." I looked at her reflection in the mirror as she tightened my corset. I winced, biting down on my bottom lip. I didn't know why I needed to wear them, I was sure that I had a nice figure, but it's not like "nice" was good enough for the king and queen.

"They are family friends and are very upset that they couldn't make the ball, so they will come for dinner tonight." Cindy explained and I squealed in excitement, turning around to face her.

"Marina is coming, correct?" I asked and she nodded, another squeal left my lips as I scurried to my walk-in closet. I ran to the back where I found an old shoe box, picking it up and then falling onto my bed, opening it. There were random bits of clothing or toys that linked to old memories that I had with Marina when we were younger.

"Rayna, we must get you ready for your day." Cindy insisted, but I saw a smile on her face when she saw the box.

"I know, I know. Just a moment." I picked up ripped piece of a sheer fabric that I remembered was once a part of a dress that I wore on our first play date when we played dress-up. I wasn't allowed to keep old clothing since it just wasted space, but Cindy allowed me to keep this box and she was the only one who knew about it.

Other than my younger sister and Cindy, Marina was one of the few people that I trusted with everything. We were both in the same situation, having to get married to a stranger for the sake of our country. Whenever Cindy could sneak me a cell phone, I would always call her and talk to her as much as I could before Cindy told me my time was over. To hear that I can finally see her after so long made my heart race with excitement.

"When is she planned to arrive? How long is she staying?" I was practically jumping.

"You cannot see her until dinner, and she will be staying for a week." I groaned to myself, I wanted to see her before. To get here from Aldford is a far journey, so I didn't question the fact that she was staying for a week. Marina's country was known for its large forests, which are perfect for supplies of lumber and varieties of animal meat. It was one of the larger countries, the two of our countries having a good bond because of trade.

"Dinner is in hours Cindy, can you not sneak me a visit?" I complained, knowing I was being selfish.

"Princess Marina is arriving two hours before dinner, and you both have things to attend to. You have lessons in thirty minutes, then a date with Prince Nigel, and a quick meeting with your parents before dinner."

"Meeting? What is there to discuss?" The only times I ever had meetings with my parents was for important matters, so I couldn't help but be worried with this information.

"I am not sure, it was made at the spur of the moment." Her eyes avoided mine, but I decided to ignore that for now.

"And a date with Nigel, finally a prince with some class." I mumbled to myself, Cindy raised a brow at this and I simply shook my head.

Once I was dressed, I quickly made my way to my classroom for lessons. I despised being late, so I decided to take a shortcut through the courtyard. I dashed through the grass but came to a quick halt when I saw movement by the stone wall that surrounded the castle. It was nothing but a thin barrier, but it felt like two different worlds bordered on it. I never had the opportunity to see what was beyond them, but I was always content with waiting until I became the queen to be able to do what I want. I turned my head to see Alarik climbing it, making his way up the top.

I resisted the urge to call him out, not wanting to begin any conversation with him. I was not sure if he was meant to be seen, not that jumping a wall was the most subtle way of leaving. Yet I could not help but be curious, to what was out there. I had never considered just leaving, disregarding the wishes of the court and doing as I pleased. For the slightest moment, I considered how enlightening and freeing it would be, perhaps as freeing as playing the piano.

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