Chapter 3 : The First Date

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There was some sort relief and joy in finding out that the prince who appealed to me the most was the prince of Hinyst. It was soon revealed that the other prince was from Abrax, a medium-sized country that thrived on spices.

I placed the card on my bedside table along with the mask he gave me, call me obsessive but I like to save items that mean a lot to me. Perhaps one day I will show my own children the card and the mask, and tell them how their father was a graceful dancer that managed to make me swoon.

Compare to that swine that placed his hands in inappropriate places. From everything that I have heard of Abrax I figured he would be polite and well-mannered, while he was everything but. His name is Nigel Hughes, a boy with eyes that matched a clear pond in spring and golden hair that could compare with the petals of sunflowers. He looked rather kind, but I guess you should never judge a book by its cover.

I slipped into my silk pajamas and crawled into my bed, relishing in the way my pink satin covers felt against my freshly shaved legs. For the first time in two days, I felt like I could fall asleep calmly. If I could marry for love while keeping my country pleased, I would be beyond grateful. Maybe this choice would be easier than I thought it was.


I hummed as Cindy prepared me an outfit for my first date with the prince, she smiled at the sight of me.

"You seem joyful this evening." She commented.

"I am, for I might be able to marry a sweet gentleman while keeping my country in mind." I told her and she took out a mint green summer dress with white polka dots covering it with a sweetheart neckline, it ended right above my knees and seemed perfect for today.

"Yes, absolutely yes. May you please grab my floppy sun hat?" I asked her and dug through my drawers until she finally found it. I began to dress myself, not minding if Cindy was in the room. She has been dressing me since I was young, what am I to be embarrassed of now? She then proceeded to get my white knee-highs and hand them to me, and while I put them on, she typed something on her tablet.

"Your schedule is planned out, you shall have a picnic in the garden with Prince Alarik and finish in an hour. Then you have a history lesson quickly followed by an anatomy lesson." She told me and I nodded.

"Understood, I shall see you later then." I kissed her cheek before running out of my room, regaining my composure as soon as I reached the main entrance where Prince Alarik was waiting for me. Just like myself, he was dressed casually. He wore a white shirt with ripped jeans, I've never seen a boy in ripped jeans but I was not complaining. He looked up from his phone once he noticed my presence, a little smirk met his lips when he looked at me. Alarik had a slender build, there was definition in his arms but no muscles that were protruding out.

"You look fantastic." Voice smoothed with velvet and charm, a bass behind it that could shake my bones. 

"Thank you, and you do as well." I complimented him back and his arm slithered around my waist, the action surprising me but it was somewhat comforting. Since he still didn't know where to go, I led him to the garden outside. Outside were guards waiting with a basket and red-and-white checkered blanket. They set everything up for us and left us alone, we both sat down and took one of the ham sandwiches.

"So Rayna," He began. "Why did you choose me?"

"You were very kind and charming, and the other prince was disgusting." I told him, taking a bite out of my sandwich and swallowing it. "He thought it was alright to touch me how he pleased and speak to me in a manner that was unacceptable."

"Really? Something like this?" Alarik placed a hand on my hip, rubbing me and I felt a warm sensation spiral through me. "How did it feel? Describe it in gruesome detail." I could feel his warm breath spiral around my lobe, immediately causing my body to recoil. 

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