Chapter 21 : Set in Motion

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"You remember how you told me to report to you if I noticed anything strange?" Alita said to me the moment we left the room, I nodded. "I know our parents can be callous, but that was just extreme."

"They must be under a lot of pressure with the engagement, do not try to worry about it." I gave her my best smile, trying to make it seem like nothing was wrong. I am glad Alita was not put into this position, hopefully if all went as planned she could enjoy the rest of her childhood as she pleased. Give her an option that I knew I couldn't have. 

I had a couple of minutes before my lessons started, I stared at my wrist watch and wondered if it was enough time to do anything other than wait in my classroom. I had to come up with a plan to get Cindy's tablet for a couple of minutes without her noticing. I would say my best bet is to do it while she was sleeping, but I also did not know where she kept it when she did sleep. I knew that Dragran kept all important information offline, they were constantly worried about someone gaining access to that information.

I knew this castle like the back of my hand, what room did I not have access to?

While I was trying to concentrate on creating a map of the castle in my head, I saw Marina coming up to me. I quickly adjusted myself, trying to make it seem like I was simply spacing off. I disliked lying to her, I did not want her asking what I was so focused on. 

"So, what are we going to be doing for your birthday?" Marina asked. 

"Apparently I'll be announcing my engagement that night." I told her.

"You chose?" She seemed excited for me, of course she would be without understanding the context. "Don't tell me, it'll probably be Alarik." 

"That is something you will have to find out with the rest of the crowd." I teased her, though I didn't even know the answer myself. Nigel and I have not received too much time together, and I can barely look at Alarik without my stomach becoming sick. The only decisions I had made me feel hollow on the inside, I would rather leave it up to fate and flip a coin. 

"I'm your best friend, I don't even get a hint?" She whined, I simply shook my head at her. "Well, then we do really have to celebrate your engagement as well as your birthday."

"You know it will be the typical dinner and ball, no fun parties like you are probably used to." I warned her about the bore it will be. 

"Why else have the princess of Aldford here if I could not bring the spirit from my country. I will plan something for you that will be a little more after hours, do not worry." She grabbed my hands in a comforting manner, her accent was already soothing enough.

"Marina, really you do not have to-"

"Not another word, a girl only turns nineteen once in her life." 

"I am excited to see what you have planned then. I think I could use a little fun after the stress I have had for the past couple of weeks." I told her, but I realized I would be late for my lessons if I did not go now. I excused myself and sped up my walk to get to the classroom, hoping that Mr. Martinez might be falling behind by a few minutes as well.

I turned the corner but quickly went back behind the wall when I saw Angelo talking with one of the guards. He was glancing around behind him as if to make sure no one else was listening. I tried to listen to the sound of his voice but it was hard to make out with the distance between us.

"Alarik refuses to listen to us and keeps jumping the walls sir, I have even see him take the princess with him. The queen told us we can no longer look past this." The guard told Angelo, my eyes widened when I heard them mention me. 

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