Chapter 21 - Secret Meetings

Start from the beginning

Hermione calmly turned back to Draco and scowled at the look of amusement on his pale face as he watched Harriet's friends interact.

"Actually, Weasley," Draco nodded at Ron, "I did try asking her outright. She thwarted my efforts and I never got the chance, but as I sat there afterwards, I pondered the setting I chose and I don't think she would have cared much for it anyway."

"Where were you?" Ron asked Draco.

"Sitting in the best magical restaurant, beside glowing candles and exquisite food." Draco boasted.

To his dismay though, Ron and Hermione's faces twisted in disgust.

"Come on, Malfoy, surely you can do better than that!" Hermione laughed dryly.

"I don't see what's so funny, Granger!" Draco snapped.

"In the muggle world, proposing in a restaurant is considered 'cliché'." Hermione educated the alpha across from her, "Perhaps it is in the wizarding world too, I'm not that familiar with magical engagement traditions."

"What does 'cliché' mean, Granger?" Draco frowned.

"It means overdone......trite." Hermione explained, then she nodded, "You were right, Harriet would have hated that."

"Then tell me what I should do instead!" Draco commanded with an impatient scowl.

"Do you not have anyone else to ask about this?" Ron blinked.

"I don't think any of my own friends will know how to please Harriet Potter." Draco retorted, "My parents are no help on the matter, their marriage was arranged. The closest thing Potter has to any family is......"

"Ron and I." Hermione nodded.

"Correct again, Granger," Draco drawled mockingly.

"Do you have a ring yet?" Hermione asked Draco haughtily.

Draco didn't like the self righteous look on her face.

He almost felt like she was testing to see whether he was really serious about his endeavor or not by asking him that question.

Draco pulled out his wand, gave it a flick, and a moment later, the black velvet ring box that had been in his jacket pocket the night of his failed attempt floated straight into his hand.

He held the box carefully as he cracked it open and revealed its contents to Ron and Hermione.

Both of them gaped openly at what they saw.

"Blimey! Is that real?!" Ron exclaimed before he could stop himself.

"Of course it's real, Ron!" Hermione exclaimed.

Ron was worried that he sounded insulting, but Hermione fretted that he sounded daft.

Draco's family was one of the wealthiest in the wizarding world, of course the ring he had purchased for Harriet was real.

"Listen, Malfoy, if we're really going to help you pull this off, you have to promise to stay true to her.........and you better take good care of her and that baby!" Ron warned threateningly.

"My only wish is to take care of her, Weasley, and my son, that should go without saying. You don't have to worry about me staying with Potter. My soul is bonded to hers, now and forever." Draco answered in a far away voice.

Ron and Hermione both saw the way that Draco's harsh, grey eyes softened and clouded as he thought of Harriet and his mind seemed to drift off.......

Hermione had seen more evidence of Draco's affection for Harriet than her boyfriend had.

Hermione had witnessed Draco's devotion to Harriet with her own eyes when she watched the tender support he showed her during the birth and after.

The Secret Malfoy: A Drarry RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now