Chapter 9 - We're not together, are we?

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Draco hastily apparated back to his childhood home with a scowl plastered on his handsome face.

As he walked down the long, dark hallway of Malfoy manor, he pondered the different ways he could approach his current situation.

Enraged by his parents and still reeling from the nauseating realization of how close he had come to losing Harriet forever, Draco chose to act boldly as he stomped into the damask dining room.

Immediately, Lucius and Narcissa looked over at their son, frowning when they saw that he was alone.

As soon as the reporters noticed movement, the cameras began to flash and the quills began to sway back and forth as pictures were snapped and reports were documented.

Draco lifted an arm to cover his squinting eyes from the blinding cameras. Without hesitation, he raised his wand in his other hand and set to work.

Lucius and Narcissa looked on in horror as their son removed the knowledge of his impending fatherhood from each of the reporters' minds.

While the reporters stood and blinked in confusion, Draco collected the parchments they had scribbled on and threw them into the flames that were cradled by the heavy, stone fireplace at the front of the room.

Draco left the cameras alone. Pictures of him standing by himself in his own house didn't prove or hint at anything, so he saw the possibility of destroying the film as a waste of his time.

Time was not something Draco had in ample amounts. It took him only a few seconds to whirl on his heel and face his father with a grimace.

Lucius met his son's glare with a steely gaze as he snapped, "What on earth have you done, Draco?"

"What on earth have you done, father?" Draco hissed back.

Behind them, the reporters apparated away one by one since none of them could remember why they were there at all.

When the Malfoy family was left standing alone in their elegant dining room, Narcissa frowned and glanced worriedly between her warring husband and son.

"Your mother and I have spent a great deal of money and time setting everything into place and now, you've ruined it all!" Lucius growled.

"'Everything?'" Draco sneered, "Tell me what is 'everything', father? Feeding me and Potter to the media so we be swallowed down like candies? Plastered across the pages of the news? Harriet hates the press and-"

"- I don't care if she hates it or not! Your engagement to the Potter girl won't stay silent forever, my son. I see no reason why we shouldn't utilize your unfortunate mistake to reclaim some of our esteemed reputation." Lucius sniffed.

Draco's grey eyes widened in shock before they narrowed in anger.

"My 'unfortunate mistake'?" Draco asked as he echoed Lucius with a mirthless chuckle, "Tell me, father, is that how you intend to address your granddaughter or grandson?"

"That's not what I said, Draco." Lucius replied dryly.

"....But it's what you meant." Draco determined with a nod.

Narcissa looked like she was in great pain as she gazed at her son and spoke softly, "Draco, darling-"

"-Hush, 'Cissa!" Lucius hissed cuttingly to quiet his wife. When Narcissa fell silent, he turned back towards Draco and regarded him coldly, "When you have your own child, you'll understand the lengths that a father will go to so their child's survival is assured. Your mother and I don't understand why you and the Potter girl can't take a photo together and have a small article run in the Prophet. It would be wonderful publicity for this family's companies."

The Secret Malfoy: A Drarry RomanceOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz